Second Grow, one week into flowering


I just transplanted to a larger pot and started her flowering 9 days ago. The first picture is from 9 days ago and the second from tonight. I've been trimming some of the fan leaves (the ones blocking the most light), but I'm wondering whether or not I should trim many more of the fan leaves to increase the amount of light penetrating the foliage. Will this help to increase the yield greatly or will it do more harm than good?

Thanks in advance :-P



Well-Known Member
i definately take some of the bigger fan leafs off on my plats but i grow with cfls. when they get big then it can help with yeilds although too much can hurt. my plants arent even as big as yours and it looks like yours look fine i think it will help you more than hurt.


Active Member
dude you had a nice veg cycle on that bitch, seriously. i never clip a green healthy leaf, although I'll try to tie them and stake them in ways to max out light.