*Second* Grow Journal - Tangerine Dream (fem) AK47 (Fem) and Critical+ (Fem)


New Member
My first grow journal has turned out good cept for the bag seed hermie so I thought I would do another one here for the rollies in da house.

I got femmies in these varieties :

Dinafem Critical+ (free from last order)
Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream
Serious @#!*@ Seeds - AK47 (pew pew)

Here is the package I got today Tangerine Dream and AK are in water now waiting to crack put in minutes ago. Will update pics for all when they pop. Critical+ is sprouting now in stinkbuddy system in my other journal will update a pic when I do the rest of the pics!

Here is the pic :

I use stink buddy system (aero/nft) and have a 400w HPS for flower. Vegging is just CFL setup.

Nutes of choice are Botanicare (going to use SuperStoner formula this run) I used StinkBud original forumla on my SuperLemon Haze and working well. I am gonna start these on Great White as soon as I can in veg as I just started using it recently in flower on my SLH.

Look forward to updates on this SOON! I like to do these journals cause I suck at writing things down and keeping track so these are like keeping track of progress for me ;)


New Member
Both seeds are in peet pellets wating to sprout before moving to vegger. AK47 cracked but no sprout yet.. tangerine dream has cracked and sprouting like a mad man!! WOOT pics in a few days!


Active Member
Hey hope you have some good results with the TD from Barney please keep me posted how it goes as i just ordered a five pack of fems but since have read alot of horror posts on them and not germinating or growing very poorly so i am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping these are just *&&^ ups with the growers


New Member
The Tangerine is in the vegger now probably pics tomorrow. It has longer tap root and faster then the AK47 for sure and probably last few seeds I germinated. I have no complaints from Barneys so far.


New Member

AK-47 seed finally germinated took couple days longer then the Tangerine Dream as you will be able to see. They are all in the vegger with straight RO water with PH at 5.8.

The roots are gorwing daily and looking nice, the Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream is doing great and germed and grew fast, so dunno about all the bad press people spreading about these seeds.

Here is the BF Tangerine Dream:

The Critical+ has about a week on everyone and here it is.

Last but not !@*(^!@ least the famous real deal this time no hermie bag seed shit AK-47! Only about 12 hours in vegger, as the helmet is still on. I germ my seeds in peet pellets then when the tap root is long enough to stick through the neoprene collar in my stinkbud system then get sprayed with water and grow.. pretty simple and never had a problem.


while its still emerging I place another net pot on top to help shade the light that the others are getting.

Soon as it pops the top the net pot is removed so they can get light and grow. Will be back in about week to update you and keep track for myself.


Well-Known Member
Nice start, subbed! Just got my order from the attitude yesterday. My tshirt says "High on Life", like yours better.


Active Member
Hows that tangerine dream looking? I almost got some but I heard some bad news. Im subbed, if yours turns out nice ill order some. :)


New Member
Well all seeds are growing great. Tangerine Dream is growing faster then expected and looking good, critical plus is in the lead since it had a week head start and AK47 is coming in last as it was the last one to crack.

All still on just RO water with a dash of great white for the roots. Light is 18/6.

Here are the pics of the girls:


Tangerine Dream


See you in a few days.


Well-Known Member
looking good I'm def watching for that tangerine dream, I hope you get a killer pheno and it's just as described. I have tang D going as well around the same stage as you, maybe we'll harvest around the same time and can compare smoke reports.


New Member
looking good I'm def watching for that tangerine dream, I hope you get a killer pheno and it's just as described. I have tang D going as well around the same stage as you, maybe we'll harvest around the same time and can compare smoke reports.
most definately.. I will keep an eye on yours as well.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member

my tangerine dream is on the way

do you think a 250w MH would be too much to hit seedlings with?


New Member
Well kinda over did the nutes as they are all in the same reservoir but at different ages. The critical needed slight nutes and the others were tad too young. The Tangerine dream is the worst unfortunately but I think I got it before server damage was done. New growth is looking ok, but first set of leaves are fried. Now we got a trace of nutes and all are looking much better few days later.. doh! Shoulda knew better.

Nutes are at 200ppm with great white also and PH is at 5.8. The nutes were at 500 quite a shock to the little guys so my bad.. hope they dont hermie because of this crap.

I know people knock barneys but this one was growing so well till I tried to kill it so its not Barneys Farm fault at all. So far I was really impressed with the seeds and growth we will see how it responds as it looks already to be recovering nicely.



critical root porn:


and Tangerine (ouch):

was going to wait till it recovered to post pics but thought it might be a reminder to someone to be gentle to babies..

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
what happened to the tangerine dream?

Looks like some weird type of ph/cal mag deficiency shit going on there... REALLY early for that to happen though...

the new leafset looks healthy though...


New Member
what happened to the tangerine dream?

Looks like some weird type of ph/cal mag deficiency shit going on there... REALLY early for that to happen though...

the new leafset looks healthy though...
Read my update and it tells in there. Too much nutes to quickly it already looks tons better today.. next update should be fine.