Sealed room A/C wall unit question!!! please help out


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

Just below this there is a pic of my grow, just to give you an idea of what the situation is.
16ftx26ftx9ft high. running dripsystem drain to waste. 17 1K watt lights. currently we are on week 7 veg and I have every corner of that room sealed no outside air comes in or outt.. and one of my main worries is we just started to notice thAT the hummidity is rising just over 80% and its driving me nuts.
(here is the room over all)

(and this is a shot of the A/C unit.)
as you can see im running chillers through iceboxes (works great) which at night the pump feeding the lines for themshuts off when the lights are off to prevent hummidity from rising. and its Still going high up!!!(78-80%) there is a huge amount of humidity comming from outside in the AM,

Would the AC wall unit be the reason the humidity is going high? it doesnt seem to holding out much of the weather as I took a look around.

I did some cleaning and noticed I can see some outside light comming in......any help will be more than awesome


Well-Known Member
maybe im over looking something but why not get some dehumidifers in there...a few of thoes well placed should do the trick.


Well-Known Member
Oh duuuuhhhh. your right man sorry I forgot to mention Im running a drizair 1200.... hydro place did some calculations and said it should be enough, but it only dropped humid over night by 7% so tonight I am running the room completely stand alone and all depending on the iceboxes running along side with the dehumidifier to do the job. So by tomorrow we will know if it did the trick or not. thanks again for catching that , Im not the best detail oriented.


Well-Known Member
So quick update we left the a/c off over night and humidity dropped a massive 20%. we also set it to dry modeandkeeps our room now at a comfy 47%RH