Sea of Seeds


Hello everyone! Wanted to say hi and just joined!! Still learning the ropes to the site...anyways had a quick question
Placed a small order from SOS on 12/11/12...still havent received them in the mail yet...Am I being too impaitent or should i have received them by now?!?!?
Ive read great reviews on them
thanks...happy growing :eek:


Well-Known Member
Another 2 weeks considering the timing right now (xmas for the guys who forgot the date) and they should be with you. i have ordered from seaofseeds 3 times and i got my seeds within 2 weeks but im in the uk.
Dont worry bro, you will get your beans. Sea of Seeds has been very reliable to me and many others. As said above USPS is probably swamped, no worries you will most likely get them in less than a week, 1.5 weeks max.


Yoda816, are you from the US? I'm checking out SOS website and seeing how trustworthy they are before I buy.
just with my credit/bank card...btw they finally came on Monday...I will definitely b buying from them again

Thanks I placed an order Saturday with them myself. Bit the bullet and used a CC also. Hoping they come soon. Still "Awaiting Despatch" after payment had gone through. Can't wait!