SE England Outdoor grow


Active Member
O.k, firstly HI everyone.... im planning quite a big grow outside this year, location has been sourced and everything ready...BUT... what i want to ask you guys is :

1. As the weather is so shit at the minute and snow and frost is very much still with us, when am i looking at starting them?! They are going to be started outside by the way...

2. Ive read about 'auto flowering' plants and im thinking, due to the fact the U.K weather is very unpredicatble and wet alot of the year, would it be a good idea to use them as they would flower in the summer when its hottest and would get more hours of direct sunshine?! As apposed to them flowering oct/november and the wet and frost causing problems?

Any ideas are welcome dudes...

Peace out

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i would agree that an auto might be a good choice other than small yield, but in turn would be a shorter plant and less likely to get ripped. so you are gonna want to start them and 8 or 9 weeks later chop. so for your area you want to do a start to finish during the 2 months of the summer that is the best for the height of the sun and longest days for optimal yield.