Scumbag rippers already checkin out my crop?


Active Member
So i came home late tonight after being out for about 3 days..
i layed down w/ my girl for a few hours, felt like i should check up on my crop for some weird reason,
and once i walk through and my spotlight turns on, i hear somebody running away through my tall grass,
straight out of one of my crop spots. It didnt sound like a deer hopping away or any animal, it sounded like a person running for their life. I had a flashlight but it was still hard to see much since it was pitch black.(Spotlight is up on the hill alittle bit further up) I walk into my crop to find a head snapped off of one of my babygirls, it wasn't chewed on it was just straight snapped off, i'm thinking they didn't do it on purpose, but on accident when they heard me coming. There are very few that know about my grow.. basically just family living with me that wouldn't gain anything from stealing my shit because they will benefit from it anyway. There is one old p.o.s friend from last year that knows this particular spot. But I am still unsure. I just don't know why they would already be looking when it's not even flowering time yet :/
But i was just looking for ANY advice such as traps, security measures etc. Cheap and effective. I wish i could leave my Pit tied out on the runner all night waiting to rip somebody's face off but unfortunately i care and love my dog too much to leave her out like that. Just any advice on what any of you guys do to protect your crops would be helpful i suppose.. Just don't know what to do really and getting pretty pissed off about this. I never really had to worry about shit like this but i feel like this season I'm going to have to. Thank you for reading, any input would be great


Well-Known Member
Video camera. A motion camera to take pictures when something moves in front of it. Boards with nails left to step on in the dark chicken wire/slightly barbed wire around the plot. Dig a deep ass hole and cover it up for them to fall in. Not likely but would be funny if it worked.


Well-Known Member
If it's not your property then I would just strap a camera over them and see who's been walking around.


Well-Known Member
i like chiefem's "big hole" idea, but that's a lot of work.

any chance you could foster a second dog and keep them out in the area? it sounds like it might be a ways away from the living quarters, otherwise i'd suggest driveway alarms.


Active Member
It is my property, and I actually already do have 1 pretty deep ass hole, its about 2x2' and a few feet deep but that was only for drainage because we got a nice flood last month, not directly in my area but the hole needed to be dug. But thank you Chiefem for the boards with nails idea its my favorite and will be done tomoro fuckin morning. There gonna be fucking EVERYwhere im really glad you said that. i also do have a security camera from my old house i never put back up but i might just have to. Fostering a second dog made my day Lol not that its a bad idea because i totally would but made me crack up the way it was put


Well-Known Member
a tent out there with a light or a radio on would be pretty good deterrent too, but you might need to run power for that idea as batteries would burn out too quickly.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Just a random idea but what if you put a tent out there with an electric lantern in it? Make it look occupied like you're sleeping out there. Maybe some camping gear sitting around? Just an idea. Not sure if it would work.


Well-Known Member
if you don't have too many neighbors around, get a few motion activated alarms that ring at 100 decibels. that'll scrae the jimmies out of anyone stupid enough to come by.

be careful with the boards though, they are considered a boobytrap in some states and could end up getting you in trouble in the end, even on your own property.


Well-Known Member
if you don't have too many neighbors around, get a few motion activated alarms that ring at 100 decibels. that'll scrae the jimmies out of anyone stupid enough to come by.

be careful with the boards though, they are considered a boobytrap in some states and could end up getting you in trouble in the end, even on your own property.
I was just typeing this damn you. However, if you have the video proof that the person was trespassing on your property then your okay.


Well-Known Member
I was just typeing this damn you. However, if you have the video proof that the person was trespassing on your property then your okay.
not where i live.

if someone injures themselves while trespassing on my property, i am responsible.

i am sure that would be multiplied many times over if i set booby traps.


Well-Known Member
not where i live.

if someone injures themselves while trespassing on my property, i am responsible.

i am sure that would be multiplied many times over if i set booby traps.
If you were to set up signs to make the trespasser aware that they are in danger by well trespassing on the property. Then Acutally had the video proof to prove it I couldn't see you being responsible but it does vary on the circumstance plus where you live. This sort of clears up if the link works anyway my phone sucks.


Well-Known Member
plus, an electric fence is easily defeated by rubber handled snippers.

there's no way to stop a determined thief, the only thing you can do without actually being there is to deter them, make their thievery more difficult.

cancer survivor

Active Member
go on line,find flash bang sentry alerts,thats what i use its about as loud as a firecracker. it has a 6 foot black thread coming out of a mini firecracker,pull the thread 2" and it goes off. BANG scares the shit out rippers but no real danger or risk. scare deer and critters too! peace
Putting signs up just tells them where to look. Unless u use 12-24 volt shock then i guess the only way is camera, trap or stakeout if u have the time.


Hang some loud wind chimes in the trees and rig them with fishing line. Put a few of them around... it's not like it's going to wake up the neighborhood but sound one or two those off in the dark at 1:00am in someone's back yard and tell me if you stay around for much longer.

If you have a protective dog with good hearing then this might be effective enough to alert the animal and you that someone sounded the alarm!