

Well-Known Member
bongsmiliesorry i did try the search but couldnt find what i was lookin for. I want to know if there is a how to on scrog? Is the screen to just stop the leaves from gonig up more and only allow the bud to come through? or do u have to bend them certain ways under the screen to desired positions? sorry im just trying to figure this out so i can maybe use this to max my yeild im in my first grow thx for any help


Active Member
Yea man there are a few threads on here that will help..go threw some grow journals to get kind of a "hands on"..but if you type in "scrog training" or something similar you should come up with some good info..the scrog is to let bud sites up and and as you bend the plants under the lower nodes are exposed to light for better growth


Well-Known Member
thx to both of you i forgot all about the faq section sorry man im gonna blame the weed on that one thx again


Well-Known Member
Lol no worries man. :)
And scrog (screen of green) is pretty much bending the leaves through chicken wire or something of that nature until its full of leaves and then you switch to flower. I don't know a lot about this though, so yeah.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
go to grass city and look for a post on scrogging by the green monster. he is the scrog master. and the post is in plain english...


i found said thread. the guys' username is
greenmonster714, not thegreenmonster.

the thread title is
'the scrog method'