

Active Member
So heres the deal. I have one plant, grwoing pretty well for a little guy, out in my back. I got a little over zelous and planted the seed figuring it would not grow, before i had any idea where i should put it. But now im starting to think its dooing great on my back padio. Its relativly quiet back there, but if a neighbor was really checking out my backyard (sketchy) they might be able to see it. So, just wondering if there is any kind of screen or plastic i could put up around it that woulndt block too much sun, but make it hard to see from far away. ? Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
You could make a little cubicle out of that lattice stuff- It's not very expensive and does a good job.


Active Member
thats good,
tho would i be getting enough sun to it if i blocked it with other plants and latice?