Screen for making Hash?


Well-Known Member
First off sorry if this is the wrong forum I wasn't sure where to post this.
Anyway- I plan on making hash with a big bag of trimmings and one full dried plant. Great sativa buds I overdried. I was planning on using the "ice hash for under $5" method I found in the faq. It says to use polyester fibre mesh screen. I tried finding this at AC Moore with no luck (anyone know a store that does carry this so I can just go buy it today?) I was going to order it off of this site instead: Polyester Mesh | Screeening Cloth | Polymesh But the screen does not come in 155 micron size only 150 or 160? The 160 has 104 mesh count per inch and the 160 has 102 count. Which (or neither?) is the best to use? I want to make sure I get the right size as I know that is very important. Thanks to anyone who can help me out!


Well-Known Member
I know some people use coffee filters and the like, but this method calls for this polyester screen and says it is very important to use it and i'd like to follow the instructions the best I can. I know if the holes are too large in the filtering material you will end up with green junk in your hash, if too small you will lose a lot. Thats why i want to make sure I get the right screen!