screaminsemens's Cooler grow, veg chamber.


Active Member
I'm aiming to keep my grow continuous by keeping a mother plant so
I have kept an extra clone in a party cup while the rest of my plants veg in 5 gal pots under my 1000W HPS.

Tonight I decided it was time to replant the girl in the party cup so I created this contraption:

Simple in its design, the second door on the lid really helped me out. I was able to run the cables out this door, so I could seal the big lid like a fridge.

I covered the door with black/white poly, and ran the ducting from a fan I picked up from my local grow store. (the fan, as it turns out, is not the greatest, but it seems to be keeping the temperatures down to about 25C) I will be picking up a 4" inline fan with a charcoal filter sometime this week.

(inside of lid)


I used the cardboard box to connect the exhaust fan to the 6" ducting I had left over from my flower room. I drilled a bunch of 7/8" holes (its the biggest bit I had haha) in what is now the back of the cooler, near the bottom.

(intake holes)

As for lighting I have 2 T5's in there right now, I'll pick more up sometime this week.

Still need to add some kind of fan to be blowing on the lady in there to keep her stems strong.

Going to put the plant in there tonight after I let it sit for a while and monitor heat conditions.

Any comments and suggestions would be much appreciated!!


I cant figure out why these pictures are sideways lol. :eyesmoke:
