Schooling help..


Active Member
If you have ever read Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance then you might know more of what i mean but anyways, i have a hard time going to college and learning the subject matter, ive been in and out of the u of mn twice and now im failing at a local commmunity college... its odd i dunno how to describe it, but i feel my linear thoughts ( for lack of a better word, too stoned) being permanently formed in certain set patterns literally, it gets to the point where im sitting in class and i start freaking out inside, my body feels uneasy, this isn't natural and i get really anxious which finally leads to me trying to meta solve how they came up with the subject what it serves to teach, in many psychology and philosophy classes i end up getting the teacher pissed (in a Socrates lecture i had professor tell me to never come back to his classes again)at me because im too ambigious with my "beliefs" its weird whenever i attend classes i feel like im being invaded by this reality that they preach, i dunno if i have had a few too many timothy leary doses, but how do yall deal with this scary academic mind altering onslaught, its too basic and subjective for me, true and false, good and bad sciences. anyways thanks to any suggestions or experiences as such.


Well-Known Member
lol, for being such a cunning linguist, u sure have terrible grammer.. sounds like you're in an arts program.. better get your writing skills up to par or i wouldnt even worry about not paying attention in class cause they'll fail your ass..
you've been taught to go true/false and a/b/c/d your whole life.. 2 more years of it in college aint gunna kill you..