Scary F'ing Robot


Active Member
Is it just me or is this really really creepy?


dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
thats pretty crazy. my dad is a doctor and he is helping like test a robot for what he does and he said that it broke down 4 times during the presentation haha and this thing is suposse to do surgeries on people so the doctor doesnt.


Well-Known Member
that is awesome! they need to work on the walking on concrete blocks part though. the rest was pretty impressive imo. it reminds me more of a horse than a dog though.


Well-Known Member
My first thought kick it over, then after that was ruined I decided I'd shoot it if I saw it. Or try to kill it somehow. Too creepy!


Well-Known Member
Shooting @ one of those things would be awesome though, imagine.. .10years from now those things mounting automaticweapons patrolling the streets. Being used for raids during wars & whatnot. Next Terminator shall have these for sure :D ooh or even a 2012/2013 Robocop


Well-Known Member
it would be so great to take one of them fuckers up and screw with the deer hunters in one of the national forests nearby. being a hunter myself i can only imagine(which is actually what i did when i watched the video, lol, i would be freaked out as hell)...."wtf is that noise? wait, i see some movement....WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?!?!" followed by "did i really just see that?!?!?!?!".
of course for safety and respect issues i would never do so, but its fun to think of it imo.

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
Shooting @ one of those things would be awesome though, imagine.. .10years from now those things mounting automaticweapons patrolling the streets. Being used for raids during wars & whatnot. Next Terminator shall have these for sure :D ooh or even a 2012/2013 Robocop
Yeah, the next few models will probably climb that brick pile faster than a human. Let loose the dogs of war.


Active Member

Ohhh... They're already working on things that are 100x faster than humans.