SC police, doctors fighting medical marijuana; AG calls it US’s ‘most dangerous drug’


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COLUMBIA — Flanked by lawmakers, law enforcement officials and doctors in white lab coats, S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson called marijuana “the most dangerous drug” in America while denouncing legislation Wednesday that would allow patients to obtain it with a doctor’s prescription.

Various speakers, which included State Law Enforcement Division Chief Mark Keel and leaders from the S.C. Medical Association, suggested the use of medical marijuana would cause a litany of problems in South Carolina: addiction, increased traffic accidents and — without specifically citing any peer-reviewed research — an increase in the number of overdose deaths.
This is just a sign of how unintelligent these people are. "Most dangerous drug in America"? Who thinks like this and claims to have a brain...shameful thinking and even worse,...the relief this gaggle is denying folks. Clogging up the justice system, hindering progress, spending tax dollars on enforcement & detention,....and worst of all adding strength and a need for a black market. Eternally Foolish & Terribly Selfish!!! Vote Republicans out of the cosmos!!!!

Is this really reflective of how the majority of South Carolinians feel. It's about to be 2020 WTF!!!