Say Her Name! Jan. 6th insurrectionist that was murdered.

Does this woman that Trump's cult murdered matter less than the domestic terrorist who was shot?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • No

    Votes: 11 73.3%

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Well-Known Member

Rosanne Boyland was stomped to death by the MAGA domestic terrorists while breaking into our nation's capital in the hopes of overturning the votes of over 81 million Americans and murder our vice president along any other elected official they could get their hands on to keep Dear Leader in the office that he won with the help of a foreign military.

Luckily our democracy survived due to the Capital Police holding the line after Trump and his insurrectionist minions in the Executive Branch left them hanging by not getting them the backup or equipment that they needed for several hours after the insurrection started.

And while Trump and his traitorous cult want to rewrite history, they cannot escape the fact that the MAGA mob murdered a woman and injured hundreds of police in their attempt to destroy our democracy.
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Donald Trump is taking a page out of Hitler's playbook by sending a video message to the parents of Ashli Babbitt, praising the January 6 insurrectionist on her birthday.

That's what journalist, attorney, and SiriusXM Progress host Dean Obeidallah is warning.

On Sunday a far right wing pundit released the video, in which Trump chillingly says: “There was no reason Ashli should have lost her life that day. We must all demand justice for Ashli and her family."

Babbitt was shot and killed as she was trying to crawl through a broken window and break into the Speakers' Lounge, just feet away from where members of Congress were hiding from the violent insurrectionists.

Obeidallah, along with many others, has expressed disgust at Trump's message.

"Trump is making Ashli Babbitt into MAGA's version of the Nazis' Horst Wessel. He was killed in 1930 by Hitler's political enemies," Obeidallah says. "Hitler and Goebbels made him a martyr for the cause. It inspires the base to sacrifice their lives for the leader."

Obeidallah adds that Trump "continues to make Ashli Babbitt a martyr for his cause because she was killed waging Trump's coup. This is EXACTLY what Hitler did after his failed 1923 coup. He honored those killed in the coup attempt to inspire more people to wage violence on his behalf.

"Trump speaking to Ashli Babbitt's family is a lesson Trump learned from Hitler," he adds, showing proof:
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Who didnt see Jan 6. coming.

Remember these assholes.
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Christopher Cantwell, a violent neo-Nazi who's civil trial begins later this month for his role in organizing the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., has been receiving help to prepare his defense from Matt Hale, a fellow white supremacist housed in the communications management unit at USP Marion, a medium security US penitentiary.

Hale is the one-time leader of the World Church of the Creator, described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as "for a time one of the largest neo-Nazi groups in America." Largely composed of racist skinheads, the organization promoted a "theology" largely based around a belief about the supposed superiority of the white race. Since the early 1990s, followers committed to "racial holy war" have been convicted for murder, firebombing a NAACP office in Washington state, and plotting to bomb a Black church in Los Angeles. Hale is currently serving a 40-year sentence for soliciting the murder of a federal judge during the trial of Ben Smith, a follower who carried out a killing spree.

Cantwell is currently serving time in prison for threatening to rape another white supremacist's wife to pressure him into revealing the identity of the leader of the so-called "Bowl Patrol," "a competing neo-Nazi group formed to glorify Charleston mass shooter Dylann Roof."

While serving his sentence, Cantwell met Hale along with another man named William A. White, who has played an even more significant role in helping him prepare for his upcoming trial in Charlottesville. White, in turn, is in prison for soliciting violence against the foreman of the federal jury that convicted Hale. According to the US Justice Department, White created the now defunct website in the late 2000s as a platform for the American National Socialist Workers Party. He used the website to post derogatory comments and personal information about the jury foreman, including their home address and phone numbers.

"Anyway, so I run into these guys," Cantwell told a white supremacist podcaster during an interview last week from an Oklahoma prison where he is awaiting transfer to Charlottesville to stand trial. "And allegations against them notwithstanding, they're good to me."

Cantwell described Hale and White as "a couple of really smart guys" during his podcast interview. The Unite the Right organizer added that Hale "actually made an attorney out of himself before he got arrested." (Hale passed the bar exam, but was deemed unfit for practice by the Illinois State Bar Association due to his white supremacist activism, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.)

"And Bill White, I don't think he's ever become a member of the bar, but has made good use of his time reading the law library," Cantwell said on the recent podcast. "Mr. White has been very helpful to me in filing motions with the court."

Cantwell, who is representing himself in the Charlottesville trial, has filed a slew of motions that has tied up time and resources for the plaintiffs counsel. In a motion filed with the US District Court for the Western District of Virginia on Oct. 9, lead attorney Robert Kaplan asked a judge to strike Cantwell's previous motions from the record and forbid him from using White, Hale or anyone else as a ghostwriter for future filings.

The plaintiffs have argued that "the practice of ghostwriting in connection with pro se litigants raises serious procedural, ethical and practical concerns." Citing a 1997 ruling in the Eastern District of Virginia, the plaintiffs said ghostwriting amounts to the "unauthorized practice of law" and exploits "the leniency and privileges afforded to pro se litigants, who are held to less stringent standards" than defendants represented by counsel.

Cantwell admitted during the podcast that he's dependent on White for help drafting the motions.

"Could I do this without him?" he said. "No."
Well, now MSNBC is pushing the other insurrectionists name into more relevance because Trump is talking about it, giving her more credibility.

Hopefully they can at least mention the name of the insurrectionist that the MAGA domestic terrorists treaded on to death as a way to show the hypocrisy of the Trump cultists.
I found this bit looking for what kind of propaganda that they have on youtube on the other lady that was killed when she was breaking through a barricaded door that was all that was between the domestic terrorists and our elected officials.

Apparently she was all kinds of radicalized for years.

BTW, after seeing that they are pushing Trump's propaganda about this woman, Forbes is looking like a right wing clickbait channel, so I don't think I will ever be sharing their videos again because I do not want to be responsible for people seeing their crap pop up in their feeds.
Just to get you commies salivating, I don't think she's dead. It's all done for Hollywood.


Just to get you commies salivating, I don't think she's dead. It's all done for Hollywood.


I can sum it up in one sentence.

The domestic terrorists breaking into the capital were not shot earlier.

Just to get you commies salivating, I don't think she's dead. It's all done for Hollywood.


You believe that crap?

Oh my. Shaking head.