Saw my first gay knife fight today.


Well-Known Member
I’m at work around five am and there’s usually a few people here from our sanitation crew. I went about my normal morning. When around five thirty I hear this loud yelling from the break room area. So I go see what’s up and there are two guys from Cambodia yelling at each other I can’t understand what’s going on. then it happens the other guy doing the yelling pulls out a like 6” switch blade and stabs this other guy in the hand and lower arm. Then takes off out of the plant peels out and takes off. this other guy was okay we had the ambulance and police showed up I guess after it all calmed down and everybody was talking the guy doing the yelling didn’t even work here he came in with the other guy that got stabbed because he’s his boyfriend I guess has been worried about him cheating. which I guess he was with a other guy on the sanitation crew. well it all came to a head when somebody said something and the guy with the knife flipped out stabbed the one guy said he was going to the other guy. This was all translated to me later as I don’t speak Cambodian but man it’s my last day this week and what a way to get it started at five thirty am had me freaked out I thought this dude was going to stab me he was seriously mad you could see it in his eyes they did catch him don’t know how or where but they said they caught up to him so for all of you out there you don’t mess with a Cambodian mans man if you know what’s good for you. Now I know the Mexicans I work around sometimes all carry knives and will cut you it’s in there blood they’ll do it but mostly all the Cambodians I’ve worked around are very peaceful until you try to get into there man. That’s only the tip of the ice burg a few months ago we found a stow away no shit a stow away inside a semi trailer full of egg cartons smoking heroin cloths off sweat dripping everywhere foil, lighter. Caught in the act smoking freaking smack camping in a trailer that had been moved like four times I love the places I get sent to.
I’m at work around five am and there’s usually a few people here from our sanitation crew. I went about my normal morning. When around five thirty I hear this loud yelling from the break room area. So I go see what’s up and there are two guys from Cambodia yelling at each other I can’t understand what’s going on. then it happens the other guy doing the yelling pulls out a like 6” switch blade and stabs this other guy in the hand and lower arm. Then takes off out of the plant peels out and takes off. this other guy was okay we had the ambulance and police showed up I guess after it all calmed down and everybody was talking the guy doing the yelling didn’t even work here he came in with the other guy that got stabbed because he’s his boyfriend I guess has been worried about him cheating. which I guess he was with a other guy on the sanitation crew. well it all came to a head when somebody said something and the guy with the knife flipped out stabbed the one guy said he was going to the other guy. This was all translated to me later as I don’t speak Cambodian but man it’s my last day this week and what a way to get it started at five thirty am had me freaked out I thought this dude was going to stab me he was seriously mad you could see it in his eyes they did catch him don’t know how or where but they said they caught up to him so for all of you out there you don’t mess with a Cambodian mans man if you know what’s good for you. Now I know the Mexicans I work around sometimes all carry knives and will cut you it’s in there blood they’ll do it but mostly all the Cambodians I’ve worked around are very peaceful until you try to get into there man. That’s only the tip of the ice burg a few months ago we found a stow away no shit a stow away inside a semi trailer full of egg cartons smoking heroin cloths off sweat dripping everywhere foil, lighter. Caught in the act smoking freaking smack camping in a trailer that had been moved like four times I love the places I get sent to.

You have to love drama at work. Glad you came out unscathed. :)
What does race have to do with it? He’s telling a story about work.

I know the Mexicans I work around sometimes all carry knives and will cut you it’s in there blood they’ll do it

Kind of did a double take, myself. I work a labor job with a lot of Mexicans. Some of the nicest people I know. The ladies bring me home-cooked meals sometimes and I sometimes go out with the guys after work to grab a beer. Don't know any of them who cutting people is in their blood.
Kind of did a double take, myself. I work a labor job with a lot of Mexicans. Some of the nicest people I know. The ladies bring me home-cooked meals sometimes and I sometimes go out with the guys after work to grab a beer. Don't know any of them who cutting people is in their blood.

Everybody has different experiences and stories to tell. I like to hear them all :)
The opening post seems racist, but I'm not certain because of the lack to punctuation.
Not racist at all didn’t proof read at all either but stating somebody is gay and there nationality is not racist simply facts to put emphasis on and show how one would be confused in that situation
Kind of did a double take, myself. I work a labor job with a lot of Mexicans. Some of the nicest people I know. The ladies bring me home-cooked meals sometimes and I sometimes go out with the guys after work to grab a beer. Don't know any of them who cutting people is in their blood.
Lol it’s just a joke the cutting people in their blood I work with immigrants everyday from people from loas , China , Honduras , mexico , El Salvador , Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic , Cuba basically any southern country and middle eastern Asian countries and they all act and are a certain way most of the Mexicans I work with joke about cutting you all the time so I thought it was funny I think it’s funny
I’m at work around five am and there’s usually a few people here from our sanitation crew. I went about my normal morning. When around five thirty I hear this loud yelling from the break room area. So I go see what’s up and there are two guys from Cambodia yelling at each other I can’t understand what’s going on. then it happens the other guy doing the yelling pulls out a like 6” switch blade and stabs this other guy in the hand and lower arm. Then takes off out of the plant peels out and takes off. this other guy was okay we had the ambulance and police showed up I guess after it all calmed down and everybody was talking the guy doing the yelling didn’t even work here he came in with the other guy that got stabbed because he’s his boyfriend I guess has been worried about him cheating. which I guess he was with a other guy on the sanitation crew. well it all came to a head when somebody said something and the guy with the knife flipped out stabbed the one guy said he was going to the other guy. This was all translated to me later as I don’t speak Cambodian but man it’s my last day this week and what a way to get it started at five thirty am had me freaked out I thought this dude was going to stab me he was seriously mad you could see it in his eyes they did catch him don’t know how or where but they said they caught up to him so for all of you out there you don’t mess with a Cambodian mans man if you know what’s good for you. Now I know the Mexicans I work around sometimes all carry knives and will cut you it’s in there blood they’ll do it but mostly all the Cambodians I’ve worked around are very peaceful until you try to get into there man. That’s only the tip of the ice burg a few months ago we found a stow away no shit a stow away inside a semi trailer full of egg cartons smoking heroin cloths off sweat dripping everywhere foil, lighter. Caught in the act smoking freaking smack camping in a trailer that had been moved like four times I love the places I get sent to.
More interesting than my day so far lol
Maybe it was just some 50 shades type shit and they’re into it. True painal. He did say he was going to get the other guy. Couldn’t of been that mad going for the hand . You know about make up and hate sex , best ever lol