Save? How To?


Well-Known Member
Alright, i've been realizing that i've beens spending a little too much and taking advantage of it. What do you guys do , to save THE MONEY YOU NEED & WANT? cause im thinking about buying a new laptop hopefully for blackfriday some new clothes / kicks. I know i'm asking for too much but if i find out a method onto saving the money i will be able to purchase the things i want. I've Tried not using it , but i can't believe how many " EMERGENCY " that i need to spend it on.. So how do you guys save money? and throw in some extra ideas related to the topic . (;
grow your own or decide which you like more: being high all the time or having things necessary in life
oh, its not about being high. i don't smoke marijuana no more, at least i don't consume anymore. I try coming up with an idea , it works for about a week or two then i fail.
i need advice or opinions of how you guys save your money.
its simple just save! and learn self control :weed:
i personal take the money after expenses and put it in the safe peace
f bank accounts
Open a Christmas club account at your bank.. ditch all the loot you can in there .. cause to get it its not as easy as hitting a Mac machine .. so that way your less likely to spend it
Well no bank account, i want access to the money when i need it. cause i understand that emergencies do occur sometimes.
have a direct debit coming from your current a/c into a savings account every week,
if you make 500 a week lodge 60 to 70 a week in your savings, after a few weeks you get used to it and dont even notice the money going. i used to be terrible at saving. great now though. will power and self control are your greatest assets.