Sativa vs Indica


Well-Known Member
I want to know what everyone thinks about them..
I'm in love with sativa's but only one of my plants that i'm growing now is a sativa (hopefully it's a girl).
so who likes what?:bigjoint:


New Member
Indica lover.

I like my couch, and it likes me

sativa's dont do me any justice...

plus i dont like how whispy they can get, or how picky some can be during a grow


New Member
well sure i suppose...

due to my lack of funding for my indoor, my sativas come out stretchy and really only worth while for making hash or butter with them

not high yielding for me due to only having a 150w hps with cfl sup. lighting.

good trich production for the hash/foods....but not worth while [edit] for me [/edit] when i can keep a nice little indica bush with nice node spacing and tight buds in a compact area.

plus like i said, the smoke is should i say....




Well-Known Member
:) Fatality!

Indica wins!


gotta love them non-sativa pheno'd blueberry
Ok, I'm a newbie and I was just reading around, not planning to post, but the Mortal Kombat refs made it necessary. And now I have to ask you, Dude, about "The fine print"

I've seen a lot of members with similar disclaimers in their signatures, but yours is the most impressive so far. "Any misrepresentation of the intentions or claims made will be interpreted as slander and are not admissible in a court of law as evidence of any wrong doing. " Did you write that? Jesus, do I need to write one?

EAMON {2:00 am}

Active Member
hey i have kidney damage. iv been using cannabis for the pain my kidneys have been causing me. the thing is when the pain relief wares off the pain is magnified. and if i stop smoking my kidneys hurt so bad i cant hardly move.. it seems like the cannabis is making them worst but its less painful than pain pills.. cannabis is the lesser of the evils for me to use.. does anyone know if i am further damaging my kidneys or if cannabis has any effects on the kidneys.. doctors sed they cant figure out whats wrong with me.. one of my docs thinks its mild kidney damage.. and wanted to give me ultrams for the pain.. id rather smoke weed then use pills... someone plz help me out and let me know the effects of marijuana on the kidneys..thx


Well-Known Member stoned hard now wit no increased heart rate or slight parnoid feelin that most sativas give me..although the right mix can make a perfect high


New Member
i actually nipped it off someone else cause does look about official dont it?

i know its nothing to hold up in any sort of respectable court of law but it gives me some peace of mind..

Ok, I'm a newbie and I was just reading around, not planning to post, but the Mortal Kombat refs made it necessary. And now I have to ask you, Dude, about "The fine print"

I've seen a lot of members with similar disclaimers in their signatures, but yours is the most impressive so far. "Any misrepresentation of the intentions or claims made will be interpreted as slander and are not admissible in a court of law as evidence of any wrong doing. " Did you write that? Jesus, do I need to write one?


Well-Known Member
I have had sativa once, oh crazyness. I loved it only got an eighth but smoked before work and that was the most intensely productive night ever all I remember is like a montage of everything happening. Other times the house was completely spotless.

I need some more!! lol I hate to say this but that shit is like speed, and I never felt a thing doing actual speed. So introspective and uplifting it makes me want to be somebody besides a bum after college.

Indica has its place but dang sativa is reefer madness lol!


Well-Known Member
hey i have kidney damage. iv been using cannabis for the pain my kidneys have been causing me. the thing is when the pain relief wares off the pain is magnified. and if i stop smoking my kidneys hurt so bad i cant hardly move.. it seems like the cannabis is making them worst but its less painful than pain pills.. cannabis is the lesser of the evils for me to use.. does anyone know if i am further damaging my kidneys or if cannabis has any effects on the kidneys.. doctors sed they cant figure out whats wrong with me.. one of my docs thinks its mild kidney damage.. and wanted to give me ultrams for the pain.. id rather smoke weed then use pills... someone plz help me out and let me know the effects of marijuana on the kidneys..thx
Hey my uncle is a doctor who smokes pot. Just ask. It is highly probable that your pain is not from smoking. I also would suggest you write web MD with your problem, they seem to be more up to date with current journals and may know of a developing diagnosis and help for your problem. I would leave out the cannabis for web md because they are too politically correct and will tell you its killing you.


Well-Known Member
hey i have kidney damage. iv been using cannabis for the pain my kidneys have been causing me. the thing is when the pain relief wares off the pain is magnified. and if i stop smoking my kidneys hurt so bad i cant hardly move.. it seems like the cannabis is making them worst but its less painful than pain pills.. cannabis is the lesser of the evils for me to use.. does anyone know if i am further damaging my kidneys or if cannabis has any effects on the kidneys.. doctors sed they cant figure out whats wrong with me.. one of my docs thinks its mild kidney damage.. and wanted to give me ultrams for the pain.. id rather smoke weed then use pills... someone plz help me out and let me know the effects of marijuana on the kidneys..thx
No man, its not the weed hurting your kidneys. I would be drinking lots of water to keep your body hydrated though. Not drinking enough water will affect your kidneys. THC that is ingested into your body is not processed through your kidneys. It is processed by your liver just like anything that goes into your bloodstream.


Well-Known Member
hey i have kidney damage. iv been using cannabis for the pain my kidneys have been causing me. the thing is when the pain relief wares off the pain is magnified. and if i stop smoking my kidneys hurt so bad i cant hardly move.. it seems like the cannabis is making them worst but its less painful than pain pills.. cannabis is the lesser of the evils for me to use.. does anyone know if i am further damaging my kidneys or if cannabis has any effects on the kidneys.. doctors sed they cant figure out whats wrong with me.. one of my docs thinks its mild kidney damage.. and wanted to give me ultrams for the pain.. id rather smoke weed then use pills... someone plz help me out and let me know the effects of marijuana on the kidneys..thx
let me guess, you drink alcohol?

EAMON {2:00 am}

Active Member
i dont drink alcohol.. i exercise, drink 8 glasses of water a day, i eat hella healthy, i dont drink soda, coffee, tea, alc, cool aid.. i drink water only... i do smoke weed tho hehe.. but like i said its the only pain medication that works for me with the least amount of negative side effects.. . im just worried im hurting my kidneys more with weed..but if i dont smoke it then im in hella pain.. i really really appreciate everyone for the feed back.. thx a ton it honestly means a lot.. iv been fighting this kidney pain for 5 years now.. and any advice everyone gives me is very much appreciated.. one love and God bless