sativa is getting too big. what to do?


Ok so i have a lemon thai plant thats sativa dominent. its getting way too big way too fast. its in its 5th week of flowering and still looks like it has 5 to 7 weeks left before harvest. i was wondering how much heat a sativa can take cause i have 2 options. i can harvest asa its maxed out the grow room. or i can take it outdoors and set it in the shade. cause it is mid 90s here for the next couple weeks. will the mid 90s kill it. im thinkin mid 80s in the shade. will this affect my yeild or potency.


Active Member
is the problem its getting too tall? start training it to grow horizontally instaed of vertically. Tie a string from one end of the room to the other for example, then use a twisty tie to gently secure top of the plant. so as it grows up, you keep adjusting. after a while it will look like its growing side ways. thats the goal. sort of like how we grow grapes. did you ever grow grapes? the string idea is a crude example you can use something that looks better and you wont keep walking into.


Well-Known Member
its prolly done with the crazy stretches now, it should be more focused on filling out at this point


Well-Known Member
Outside. Under shade first. No UV indoors and she needs to adapt. The UV will increase THC production the last few weeks she is flowering prime. Use halogens with the UV filtering glass removed indoors to do the same. Gradually move her into full sun (should just be a few days). Morning light is the most important by far. Make sure she is not in the sun all day if possible. If she is sativa dominant she can take the light and the heat way better than an indica. And tie her down where ever she is like the guy above said. Her side buds will explode in size and number and she will be much less noticeable if she's outside. Good luck.


Active Member
the only thing thats a problem in my eyes(the heat is not a problem sativas grow in equatorial areas so even 100degreas will not kill it as long as it has water) but the light out side is not 12/12 the way i have 16 outdoor plants and last week it got 2 104 one day 102 the next and they are gravy


Well-Known Member
The Weather Channel or Farmer's Almanac (book or free online) will tell you the exact date your area will be12/12. Patience pays off, my friend. Especially with sativas. The quality of bud is usually far better grown in soil outdoors.


Ok awesome. i have been tieing her down as much as possible. she is roughly 5' tall and 5' wide right now. im hoping she just fills out i got roughly a foot left either way she can grow before she starts taking space away from other plants. That and i think any taller she will start bleaching or burning. i have a great spot out doors. she can receive roughly 7 hrs of morning daylight before shade hits.


Well-Known Member
Scrog it, seriously!!!! I mean I am sure alot of that stretch especially if its an indoor plant is between the node spacing which most likely isn't going to fill out, so bending them through a screen actually helps the light reach the flower sites, and therefore increase yield.

Also like was said earlier, if its really been 5-6weeks into flowering already, then most of the stretch should be over with, although there is also the "bushmaster" option ( Made by Humboldt County Originals or something like that, not Humboldt Nutrients though It is a nute additive that stunts vertical or terminal shoot growth ** do ur research on any product before use, as it might not be proper for your application or situation ** ). I like this, and it does if used properly make a huge difference!!!!

Go outside, 7 hours direct, with an additional 5-6 hours shaded.... will actually force flowering allowing the plant complete more evenly.....

Soil, outside with the sun bud always will beat anything that can be did indoors!!! Put the lil girl outside, just make sure to water and feed her properly..... and ur good. BTW I wouldn't reccomend hydro nutes if its outside in the dirt. If outside in something like pro-mix or coco, then hydro nutes could be ok......

But if you are going to put her outside, which seems like letting her live to her potentional if she is already 5ft. tall, just get some good organic garden soil, some perlite and some coco or peat, dig nice big hole, mix all ur "dirt" in it, transplant into it, feed with water and B-1 for a few days to a week. Then sit back water as needed and watch!!!


Well-Known Member
mine did the same thing, i did two things, cut out all grow nutes used bloom at end only and I began to tie it down strings down to weights on the ground to keep it from getting into the lights.

Once I put her in bloom she went crazy. she was 19 inches tall when it went into bloom and over 6 foot tied down when cut. Crazy stuff