Satisfied Customer


Not sure if this is the right area but I Just wanting to give Props to RMSupply also know as for EXCELENT customer service.

I bought some Quantum ballast's on ebay a year ago. One of them always put off a dimmer light. I swapped hoods/bulbs, power supply's, timers around and it was obviously the balllast. After a Year of getting no response from the ebay seller (mostly me slackin) I finaly tracked quantum down through FB to recently purchased by rmsupply.

I contacted there tech service and with one phone call the process was started. Their warranty page was down so the rep sent me the needed request form (1 page) and 12 hrs after emailing it in I received an email including my shipping label for return. 10 days after shipping it off my NEW ballast was sitting on my door step!

During the entire process I emailed them a total of 3 times with questions and had a response that day. The last one was responded to within an hour?!

Anyways in this day and age when it seems like getting fked online is status quoe, I thought I should share a good experience. Smoke on!

Sent from my Prism Watched stool pigeon