Sap? - Honey? - What is this .I’m intrigued..


Active Member
Hi everyone!

Has anyone here had this happen before?
there’s quite a lot of droplets coming out of the leaf , the middle of the buds and the stalks. Its oozing out quite a lot ,in quite a few places now I’m looking closer .. Iv just never seen this before. I think I seen a tiny clear drop on a stalk a few years back , But not coming from the buds with a gold colour and in this amount .
The strain is a very fruity one mind & its stinkiiiing of like a an exotifruit aswle and the texture to this sap or honey (what ever it is)
Also it tastes sweet, so I’m thinking it’s the plant secreting it’s sugars .. maybe??

Strain: fast buds strawberry & banana auto