San Diego VS. State of california


Active Member
So Im a little late posting this but my great county of San Diego lost it's case against the state for the second time. The court case basically was about the county not issuing their county medical cards, saying its wrong and against federal law. guess what? the 3rd circuit court of appeals said their full of shit and need to issue the cards immediately. But good ole' San Diego will most likely appeal the decision, if they haven't already(if you know something let me know) But this is great news for about six other counties because their court cases were hinging on this case. I will have to dig up the artical about the case but its on step in the right direction for California. If you know more about this case please PLEASE make a post. i would love to know if one day i can get my official card


New Member
Thanks for the post. I have friends who live in SD. Those county supervisors are not only nuts, they are breaking state law ... SB 420. I I lived in SD country, I'd be at every supervisor's meeting raising hell over this. How about starting a letter writting campaine to the local newspapers? The one thing politicians REALLY hate are negative articles in the OPED pages of the local papers.
