Salt (Sodium) Toxicity?

Does anyone have any pics showing a Sodium toxicity in plants?

Why I'm asking: My well water has a TDS of 850, very high in Sodium. PH is 6.5 straight from the tap. I ideally want to know how often I would have to flush to eliminate or lockup the salt.


Well-Known Member
I dont know that nutrient salt buildup is quite what you think, its isnt sodium. Its nutrient salts that keep your plant from uptaking any more nutrients because salt buildup usually causes nutrient lockout. Are you running soil or hydro.

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Coco coir bucket.

It appears that every plant, Avacados, Strawberries etc, wether they're in Coco or organic soil. end up with what looks like a nitrogen burn on the tips of the leaves. Thing is I have not added or given them any nutrients at all. The only thing is the well water.

Sodium is the only thing I can think of that is in excess.


Well-Known Member
The salt build up from nutes would be much higher than that, The water will fine if you can drink it. Use a quality hydro medium(canna coco) and good hydro nutes and this should solve any salt burn/build up problems.