

yo i was wondering if its evn safe to take pics of my plant wit my phone or even post on here. cant my isp or police see my shit i do on my internet? they can deff look througgh ur pics on ur phone too cus they got stallites connected to them shits for gps and all tht, so you know they can look at the pics.


Well-Known Member
You seem to be asking and telling in the same sentence?

I think you will be fine to post your pictures, depending on the phone you may wish to disable the geo tagging of your pics; also it would be very prudent to store the pictures (if you care to keep them long term) on a suitable encrypted device and deleted the images off of the phone.



Well-Known Member
You can also run your photos through an EXIF stripper program before posting. That way, you eliminate all the extra (potentially identifiable) data your camara adds to the file.


bud bootlegger
You can also run your photos through an EXIF stripper program before posting. That way, you eliminate all the extra (potentially identifiable) data your camara adds to the file.
you can also use the pain program most computers have today and simply make a copy of said pix and post the copy as this will also delete any and all exif data from the pix..


Active Member
What all they said I myself am not too worried about the police and the DEA all the alphabet boys coming on here and getting my info and coming to bust me or anyone on here. I mean if you have a 100 plants and your on here showing them off and making deals and stuff then you may have a chance of them coming to get you but i think that if anyone did get caught they would have a good chance of getting the charges dropped i really dont know as every case has its seperate qualities. I would go for a jury nullification if i did get caught and taken to trail by arguing that they are really wasting tax payer dollars to bust a tiny little weed grower. But who knows it could happen but the chances are probably pretty slim. Just for the feds to get on here and bust every single one of us would cost millions all the time and money that would have to be spent on trails and discovery all that stuff they dont have the budget to do this.


Well-Known Member
keep a lock on your phone of some sort and police cant look though your phone if caught in the streets or what ever. and as far as computer and internet go they would have to have a warrant to hack into your stuff. now posting stuff on RIU here or anywhere else you have IP addresses and all kinds of shit linking what you post back to YOU. now there are ways to stay somewhat anonymous on the internet but im not 100 percent sure about that. IMO as long as your not posting hundreds of plant on here they probably dont really care. they are looking for big time dealers and growers, not some of us growing a few plants in their room for their own use.


Well-Known Member
Here is food for thought. I`m not a cop but I play one on tv. Anyway If I were a cop watching these forums
I would sit and watch and post as needed. I would take time to sort out who is who and who is connected with who.
Hoping to stumble on large scale shit that has no medical defense. Here is what would happen if they were busting people
on here left and right. People would start posting about it and that would be the end of the investigation I would think.
In my delusional mind I`m sure the police monitor in some fashion but if your doing as you should I would try not to worry. I know its hard to break old habits but your energy would be better spent Improving safety, security and doing quality control on your room.
After all you have committed to this and its hard to flush a grow room. That being said I would try not to be too in your face about it. I`m gratefull for the fact that the laws have been put in place to get this medicine to the people who can not take hard drugs for whatever reason and I cringe a bit when I see a medical grower acting like a pothead and furthering the idea we are all just wanting to get baked. Anyway... If you take the pic and store it on any device it remains and if they want it they probably will get it. I call this doing the police mans job for him, lol I think if you are the paranoid type lurking may be the safest bet but that`s no fun.