Safe to add nutes?


Active Member
just wondering if its safe to add like 4 drops of veg nutrients to the water im going to be using to water my plants, both are a week old and look like this 20200803_162752.jpg
My hopes is it will be fine because I did it before thinking now im worried im gonna burn the shit out of my babies lol pls advise
Depends what they are growing in. If that's real soil with natural nutes then you don't need anything but water for a long time yet. If it's soilless with no nutes then you need a proper amount of all nutes. Not knowing what the medium is or kind of nutes you have it's impossible to advise you.

It looks healthy now so don't mess it up being a helicopter parent. ;)

Depends what they are growing in. If that's real soil with natural nutes then you don't need anything but water for a long time yet. If it's soilless with no nutes then you need a proper amount of all nutes. Not knowing what the medium is or kind of nutes you have it's impossible to advise you.

It looks healthy now so don't mess it up being a helicopter parent. ;)


Yeah i kinda did it just hoping it would give them a little boost to their growth but then I realized its probably overkill cause im running them in fox farms ocean forrest with a 30% coco husk mix and a handful of worm castings mixed in so now im stressing that they're gonna be burned
Typically if you are using a medium that doesn't have pre-ammended nutrients then you wouldn't start feeding with nutes until about the two week mark. But thats just general rule of thumb and can vary dependent on your setup
Yeah i kinda did it just hoping it would give them a little boost to their growth but then I realized its probably overkill cause im running them in fox farms ocean forrest with a 30% coco husk mix and a handful of worm castings mixed in so now im stressing that they're gonna be burned

I would just use water until you see growth slowing or the oldest fan leaves begin to yellow then no more than half strength nutes for a good watering then skip a feed the next watering. Better to be on the low side than burn your plants. That FFOF has a shit-ton of good nutes in it already so you may go a month or more before needing nutes depending on the size of the pot and how fast she grows. Lots of guys don't add nutes until they flip to flower then feed bloom nutes. The plants can eat 4X as much during the stretch so that's the time to give lots of everything including extra light and CO2 if you got it.

Good luck!

I would just use water until you see growth slowing or the oldest fan leaves begin to yellow then no more than half strength nutes for a good watering then skip a feed the next watering. Better to be on the low side than burn your plants. That FFOF has a shit-ton of good nutes in it already so you may go a month or more before needing nutes depending on the size of the pot and how fast she grows. Lots of guys don't add nutes until they flip to flower then feed bloom nutes. The plants can eat 4X as much during the stretch so that's the time to give lots of everything including extra light and CO2 if you got it.

Good luck!


Yeah I'll be sticking to the water from now on at least until they're not in such a sensitive state, thanks for the knowledge guys!
Dude Ocean forest is some seriously hot soil. I usually can do an entire veg cycle in a 50/50 mix of happy frog on top, and ocean forest on the bottom and never add a single nute.

Yeah general consensus seems to trend that way lol oops... what do you think my odds are of having burned my plants with those couple drops? Odds of survival?
Honestly, add nutes especially in a pre amended soil when you have a few nodes give or take more than 3-5. I misted the top soil of mine with 1/4 nute medi-one by green planet and saw slowed growth and an unhappy plant until about week 3 of veg then I got the hang of it. I was growing in gia green 4-4-4, also could be genetics of the plant just play around and test it out, if it’s an auto you have less time to experiment. Maybe also look up the suppliers recommendation on your type.
Honestly, add nutes especially in a pre amended soil when you have a few nodes give or take more than 3-5. I misted the top soil of mine with 1/4 nute medi-one by green planet and saw slowed growth and an unhappy plant until about week 3 of veg then I got the hang of it. I was growing in gia green 4-4-4, also could be genetics of the plant just play around and test it out, if it’s an auto you have less time to experiment. Maybe also look up the suppliers recommendation on your type.

I disagree you dont have less time to mess with an auto... you have less room for error as burning an auto will greatly affect your overall yield greatly. Most autos prefer very very light nutrients... burn an auto with nutes or stress it to much and you will be sorry you did... thats honesty
I disagree you dont have less time to mess with an auto... you have less room for error as burning an auto will greatly affect your overall yield greatly. Most autos prefer very very light nutrients... burn an auto with nutes or stress it to much and you will be sorry you did... thats honesty
For sure, what I meant was less time if you over did it and had to wait a week for it to recover
Yeah I'll be sticking to the water from now on at least until they're not in such a sensitive state, thanks for the knowledge guys!
Just watch for them going yellow mate.
They show signs of deficits long before a lack of nutes will slow them down.
If they get hungry they start eating themselves from the bottom up so the plant can carry on growing.
Add too much though and they can stop growing altogether before you can see the damage.