Safe in home mite treatment?


Well-Known Member
Spider mites!! My. Veg tent is between my kitchen and living room with open walls.. and i have tiny animals, Sugar gliders to be excact. A y ideas or succes with alcohol?or de?
Also anyone know how far these things can wander in search of food?
I'd try and stick with rotating treatments of an insecticidal soap and neem oil. Safers makes good products for that.

I found when battling mites, it was key to regularly rotate treatments so they could not become resistant to just one thing.

Hope this helps!
Just 2 table spoons of 70 percent to a whole gal?
That's barely any ISO. I use a 50/50 mix of ISO to water for my houseplants to kill bugs instantly. I prefer to use the 91% or 99%, but if I use the 70% I just use a little less water. You won't get them all, so you'll have to spray again in a few days.

What I like about the ISO spray is it just makes everything cleaner, unlike the soaps and oils that will leave a nasty residue on anything you get it on. None of the plants I've sprayed it on have been bothered by it, but the bugs hate it. Problem is that stuff is hard to get right now with Covid and everybody buying it up.
That's barely any ISO. I use a 50/50 mix of ISO to water for my houseplants to kill bugs instantly. I prefer to use the 91% or 99%, but if I use the 70% I just use a little less water. You won't get them all, so you'll have to spray again in a few days.

What I like about the ISO spray is it just makes everything cleaner, unlike the soaps and oils that will leave a nasty residue on anything you get it on. None of the plants I've sprayed it on have been bothered by it, but the bugs hate it. Problem is that stuff is hard to get right now with Covid and everybody buying it up.
I have had a yellowing of the leaves from it before in concentrations up to 4 tbs per gallon but I think it was from the lights on. Didn't affect them too much.
Lol ,thNks you guys. Reason why I asked is cuz I just used 70% right before your reply not even diluted so we'll see what it did to my leaves here in a couple hours when I open up the room.
I actually use 50/50 water and 99% iso and it works great. Some strains are a little more sensitive. Just be careful after you spray though, don't want to end up like Beruit.
I checked plants and 70 percent did no no damage...
anyone bere a light expert lol..
Way off sub nect here but
I have a question. If 2 models of a a 12 bar light has the excat same setup L x W wise
One has a ppfd of 2000 at 24 in
One has a ppfd of 1000 at 24 in
Could u simply run the one with lower ppfd at half the distance (12 in ) to achieve the same end means.?

There was a website that gave a example .
And im not excactly posiyive on the numbers. But..
One light offers 3.5. Umols/j
The other 2.1 umols/j
The example was that. The one at 3.5 would be 33 percent more efficent..
So could u not move the light at
2.1 umols/j
33 percent closer? To achive the same means