S.O.G. size up?


New Member
Hi i am a little new to this but here goes. i got some s.o.g. tables, 12 plants, and 6, 600w lamps and that does quite well but, i want to go bigger. if i take the same set up i have, make the table bigger, and use 1000w lamps, will the extra light allow the sog to work even with more space between the plants? i figure that more light = more growth but, would it fill the extra space? thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
yes, increasing wattage will help fill in gaps but so will leaving your set up as is and extending your veg period. In either case you can also low stress train towards the gap areas once the plants are established


Active Member
Sog is amazing way to grow! Yes more light = bigger Buds. Using lst sog cross. Going to start making some oils for medical reasons with some of these. Bruce Banner #3 & Purple Haze. My 5 girls here 3 weeks into flower on 3 with Tricomes & day 5 on 2 others. Dealing with end of an early spider mite problem from a clone. 20150625_103730.jpg20150625_103709.jpg