Rusty moon


Pickle Queen
Wicked i actualy feel asleep , but then woke up at 3:57 am and looked outside and saw the glowing rusty moon, cool shit, so then i sat and watched as my kittens went retarded and i wondered what people thought when they saw this almost 400 yrs ago? The moon not kittens. Also i now know why the kittens have gone mental the past few days, anyone alse have issues with their pets when the moon is full
i work the third shift, 11p to 7a, and i got to see that lunar eclipse as well.. was pretty cool looking.. i didn't notice this time around, but i've often seen people and other critters get all weird and shit come a full moon or another lunar anomile..
i work the third shift, 11p to 7a, and i got to see that lunar eclipse as well.. was pretty cool looking.. i didn't notice this time around, but i've often seen people and other critters get all weird and shit come a full moon or another lunar anomile..

I work the same shift, but we got no break until we got off at daylight, so I missed out on this one :(

to april:
Not the animals, but me.... since I was a small child, I can tell up to 3days before the full moon.... the whole week my energy/mentality will be different and more on edge.... I call it my "lunatic man-rag" :D
i work the third shift, 11p to 7a, and i got to see that lunar eclipse as well.. was pretty cool looking.. i didn't notice this time around, but i've often seen people and other critters get all weird and shit come a full moon or another lunar anomile..

I have 2 kittens oldest is 9 months, second is 7, the older MoMo decided he wanted to bite Dewey the smaller one by the scruff of the neck and mount and hump him, every 5 mins or so... al day long. LOL i tried letting him out but he ran back in. He never sprayed Dewey (he sparys in the litter box) but poor dude was crying all day. I emptied a small water bottle spraying MoMo in the ass and face (on mist) but he was on a mission to hump his buddy and nothing would stop him. If Dewey didn't cry i would let em work it out, but poor little dude howls and stares me straight in the eyes. I think my cat is gay
I work the same shift, but we got no break until we got off at daylight, so I missed out on this one :(

to april:
Not the animals, but me.... since I was a small child, I can tell up to 3days before the full moon.... the whole week my energy/mentality will be different and more on edge.... I call it my "lunatic man-rag" :D

LOL i think i can feel it too, i totaly snapped on my boss and quit my job!! so not me! ( well i have another job lined up, had my testing done yesterday so i pray i get it, i think thats what gave me the freedom to snap.
But i don't know what happened, everyone at work (last thurdays) were in bad moods, i was trying to do my job when the manager keept yelling i mean yelling at me for no reason other then she was feeling sick and didn't want to be there, so she walked between me and another chick when there was no room and knocked me so hard i spilt a pot of boiling coffee all me, she never said sorry or even looked at me, i walked to the back( holding back angry tears) cleaned myself and checked for burns, then grabbed my coat and left. It was only a temporary job (Tim Hortons) because i moved a few months ago but still, i never thought i would get flustered enough to walk out.
I have 2 kittens oldest is 9 months, second is 7, the older MoMo decided he wanted to bite Dewey the smaller one by the scruff of the neck and mount and hump him, every 5 mins or so... al day long. LOL i tried letting him out but he ran back in. He never sprayed Dewey (he sparys in the litter box) but poor dude was crying all day. I emptied a small water bottle spraying MoMo in the ass and face (on mist) but he was on a mission to hump his buddy and nothing would stop him. If Dewey didn't cry i would let em work it out, but poor little dude howls and stares me straight in the eyes. I think my cat is gay

lmao.. thats a great story.. but i think i've got one better for you.. picture this if you can.. we have a dog,, just a mutt, but hes a big dumb son bitch, lol.. hes probably around 70 pounds or so.. we also have a cat.. she probably weighs under ten pounds or there about.. now, the cat will always come over to the dog and like put her face down to the floor, and stick her ass right in the dogs face.. the dog will usually give that ass a lil sniff, than look off in another direction, doing his best to control his male urges.. the cat won't leave him alone, and finally the dog gives in to his lil head, and will get up and follow the cat around, and will get up behind her and try and hump the damn cat.. the cat loves it.. she will all put her face down and that ass all up in the air for my dog to do whatever he wants.. i'm always sooo nervous that the damn dog may one day figure out how to get it in, and really hurt the cat or something.. but it would be her own damn fault... a man can only resist so much if you know what i mean..
this story is even funnier if you knew the dog.. he tries to be the meanest hard ass on the block, and he has biten more than one person, but give him some cat poontang, and he turns into a puppy dog..
true story..
lmao.. thats a great story.. but i think i've got one better for you.. picture this if you can.. we have a dog,, just a mutt, but hes a big dumb son bitch, lol.. hes probably around 70 pounds or so.. we also have a cat.. she probably weighs under ten pounds or there about.. now, the cat will always come over to the dog and like put her face down to the floor, and stick her ass right in the dogs face.. the dog will usually give that ass a lil sniff, than look off in another direction, doing his best to control his male urges.. the cat won't leave him alone, and finally the dog gives in to his lil head, and will get up and follow the cat around, and will get up behind her and try and hump the damn cat.. the cat loves it.. she will all put her face down and that ass all up in the air for my dog to do whatever he wants.. i'm always sooo nervous that the damn dog may one day figure out how to get it in, and really hurt the cat or something.. but it would be her own damn fault... a man can only resist so much if you know what i mean..
this story is even funnier if you knew the dog.. he tries to be the meanest hard ass on the block, and he has biten more than one person, but give him some cat poontang, and he turns into a puppy dog..
true story..

LMFAO ok had to put down the bong or i would have spilt it, I was actualy visualizing this and dude get a video lmfao. But the way i see it animals have it best, no Tabus, or other animals saying" that's not right" If another aninal makes them horny they hump it, oh i wish life was that easy. Makes ya think, what if people were never told that certain sex acts were bad or not aloud. Would we all be sniffing each others ass and humping freely? And i also watched a show that made sense, the only reason our global population is soo much lower the 40 yrs ago (i'm talking births) is because are parents fucked like rabbits, they had no tv, internet, cell phones etc, Also they were not brought up in a generation being told sex is bad, and don't do it until your 40 and wearing 4 condoms and a hazmat suit.. ok maybe not to that extend but ya.
LMFAO ok had to put down the bong or i would have spilt it, I was actualy visualizing this and dude get a video lmfao. But the way i see it animals have it best...

i'll try and get a video one time and if i do, i will surely post it up in your lovely thread.. and i can't help but think of that old two live crew song... face down, ass up, that's the way i like to fcuk..lmao.. and i completly agree about animals having it made.. i always say how in my next life i want to come back as i cat so that i can lay around all day and sleep for 20 hours a day and fuck with my dog brother or sister, and letting my owner go out and work so that they can afford to feed my fat ass.. what a life..
i'll try and get a video one time and if i do, i will surely post it up in your lovely thread.. and i can't help but think of that old two live crew song... face down, ass up, that's the way i like to fcuk..lmao.. and i completly agree about animals having it made.. i always say how in my next life i want to come back as i cat so that i can lay around all day and sleep for 20 hours a day and fuck with my dog brother or sister, and letting my owner go out and work so that they can afford to feed my fat ass.. what a life..

Don't forget about people picking up your shit!! But i'd be a perve cat, nosy cat, imagine being able to watch people in their finest moments, listen to all the shit that goes on that they lie about. Watch people fucking, hell i'd jump up and lick my owners balls just to see his reaction lmfao. I'd fuck with my owners

lol face down, ass up, that's the way i like to fuck. lmfao gonna have to remember that line, can't say i've heard the song but i'm looking now
too cloudy by me, couldnt even tell the moon aws out :(

That sucks, sorry dude, it was sooo clear hear it was crazy, i should have taken pics because it was so nice, fuck i feel bad now, stupid me, always have camera ready!!!