Rusty glue, Master orange, Glue cookies, Sour daddy auto


Well-Known Member
B09FDD31-687F-4E70-8D5D-8FDEB3952AF7.jpeg Sour daddy auto CE241DB9-3E7F-416F-8470-BF85355F33B4.jpeg Glue cookies back left master orange 3 up front80099AAD-FD45-40EC-831C-16769BB768AC.jpeg Rusty glue
Ok here we go strains. I will be doing:
Rusty glue ( Rusty og x Jedi Glue) germinated 5 all 5 popped
Master orange ( master kush x Agent orange) germinated 3 all 3 are coming through the soil
Glue cookies (GG4 x Girl Scout Cookies) germinated 1 it popped through the soil
Sour daddy auto (Sour 60 x GDP Blast) germinated 3 all 3 popped
All will be grown in 10 gallon fabric pots in black gold organic soil GH flora nutrients under 4 2000 watt intensive Vander LEDs. This is week 1 for rusty glue and sour daddy auto the others just went into soil.
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As I am mother hunting in these I will be doing the sour daddy auto which is supposed to finish in 60 days from seed. They will go in 3 gal bags.
These guys are the breeders of all most all of their seeds so you know your getting fresh seeds that are going to germinate unlike seed banks where god only knows how old they are.
3FE122DE-F1EB-4A26-B2C9-16F38322827B.jpeg Sour daddy auto number 3 a little further behind DA5E4088-FAFF-4AD3-8760-6E49826A57F6.jpeg Sour daddy auto number 2 dog decided to eat the top off this one the bastard833478C0-270F-4C62-8D76-3F65D5E66B42.jpeg Sour daddy auto dog got in and ate part of that leaf 198CD742-E2C2-4257-904E-E33CDAB30E5C.jpeg Top right master orange bottom right glue cookies 8A496621-8A23-4F23-BEBD-57AD847C04F6.jpegrusty glue
Rusty glue and sour daddy auto are at the beginning of week 3 since popping through the soil. Master orange and glue cookies have been up for 2 weeks. Other than that that’s it for now. I will be moving rusty glues out of the starters today along with the last auto.
By the way I am loving the electric bill with these LEDs. If the yields are close to my 1000 watt hps then this is far more efficient.
B3BE6B17-6FA5-4E46-8F0D-94DC318FB30B.jpeg And last but not least glue cookies 02CB0FCD-235E-4AC7-B324-2B4C7E27ABF1.jpeg Rusty glues are up front master orange in the back right3C6EE036-EFD4-43C3-980D-B2236FB212D4.jpeg Sour daddy auto #3 a little shorter but still doing goodA34B2F37-A14E-4F52-9B10-1B7633B71AE5.jpeg Sour daddy auto #2 explosive growth out of this one4D5FCF30-3E9E-4D5D-A408-98B9D168896B.jpeg Sour daddy auto the dog topped doing really good considering being topped
There is the weekly update autos are coming along probably 6 weeks out. The others are doing good so far.
04E93A02-1F26-48E5-B3D1-BCCE53D503FF.jpeg 3C341DFF-C78A-46B2-A1E8-B706D9B6678C.jpeg7E74ED0D-B472-43A0-AEC9-34D826ACFD38.jpeg The photo period strains couple are ready to transplant. Found out yesterday that my water ph is crazy high right now. I have well water and it has rained a lot so that may be a cause. BE2C37BC-D66A-410C-9806-9BF8C044A759.jpeg Sour daddy auto number 3 04E93A02-1F26-48E5-B3D1-BCCE53D503FF.jpeg Sour daddy auto. This one is crazy really bushy and really fast.3C341DFF-C78A-46B2-A1E8-B706D9B6678C.jpegsour daddy auto number 2 on the right it is the one the stupid dog topped
The sour daddy autos are beasts and really fast. If it’s fire I’m going to have to get a bunch more
All 3 autos are female so I’m not going to be able to breed for seeds. The further along the autos get the more I like them.
245B574A-06FA-463E-84A7-7A99CC9F5153.jpeg And rusty glue 393F14AC7-5CAE-4193-B7C8-61341952799F.jpeg Rusty glue 2 very short and very bush going to clone this one.464EC928-9278-4EE5-94D2-792418CFD714.jpeg Rusty glue 10F2708C8-F966-4F9C-9172-947FDF8F7C3D.jpegMater orange same deficiency should start to see improvements just went into 10 gal smart pot. 11A58370-D177-49A0-A209-9AA4F07906CE.jpeg Glue cookies tried a Cheeper organic soil before the 10 gallon pots had some deficiency issues so I went back to black gold. Should take care of it. Oh probably sucked in that soil too.A3AE7E48-2178-4CE1-839B-978BCD1E296B.jpeg Sour daddy auto number 2 just started spitting hairs.79B4AED8-B21C-4B1D-8029-C864768DDA27.jpeg Sour daddy auto 1 this one has become a beast. Just started spitting hairs out.