Steve Phan
Well-Known Member
I've been spraying lost coast every other day also
Iam not seeing russet damage they gargle with lost coastI've been spraying lost coast every other day also
Iam not seeing russet damage they gargle with lost coast
agreed, doesn't look like russetsIam not seeing russet damage they gargle with lost coast
I don’t think u have mites….unless you’ve actually seen them of course.
Something else is at play here IMO. Are they indoor or outdoor and how have your temps been?
Get a magnifier off Amazon they come the day after well worth the 20 pound and then you can see exactly what your dealing with if you have bugs
Well the pics are not that clear I just dont see the twisting damage that russets do.What else would cause leaf issues like this?
Alcohol seems to have a damaging effect in itself used in significant amounts. Really dries the leaf out. Could be part of @Steve Phan issue if spraying every day.Add more alcohol to the lost coast? I've heard to do that for russet mites but haven't done it myself.