Running hydroton, coco mat, or just Net pots in ebb/flow setup.


Hey everyone I’ve been running multiple 4*4 tables a couple different ways over the years. Lately I’ve been placing my cuts in 6’’ net pots and then backfilling the table with hydroton I’d say close to the 3 inch height mark. I’ve wanted to just place my net pots on a mat but have heard several issues people have posted. I tried smart pots filled with hydroton and only had shit results, I’m sure top feed would be great but I’m just bottom flooding. I’ve had success with rock wool but security issues made me stop. Any pointers to how I can minimizing my hydroton move and clean process while achieving great root growth and healthy small # SOG grow. Typically no more than 15 per 4*4
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The ones with just the whole on the bottom? Just allowing light pruning as roots come out of the square pot. I’ve always worried about how much water the roots would actually get with the limited holes on those sq pots. Flooding 3-5 short feeds or what’s your plan off attack and what #’s zips you get (excluding larf)? Or Gram to watt ballpark figures. My first ever ebb/flow was ran in your listed methods... was a little or a lot lower #’s than expected, however is was young and dumb at that time in my life.
I’ve came to the conclusion that if I continue to run 100’s of liters of hydroton per flower I’m just gonna dump and re-up
The ones with just the whole on the bottom? Just allowing light pruning as roots come out of the square pot. I’ve always worried about how much water the roots would actually get with the limited holes on those sq pots. Flooding 3-5 short feeds or what’s your plan off attack and what #’s zips you get (excluding larf)? Or Gram to watt ballpark figures. My first ever ebb/flow was ran in your listed methods... was a little or a lot lower #’s than expected, however is was young and dumb at that time in my life.

The holes in the bottom let plenty of water and air to transfer in and out of the pots. I ran that style system for 11 years, 45 plants per 4x4 tray with 20+ grams per plant on average depending on strain.