Well-Known Member
Hello RIUers, I'm currently growing a pepper plant to test out an Aerogarden I picked up at a thrift store dirt cheap, the AG works fine however I have a question about a 3-Way CFL I'm using in it with an adapter I picked up on eBay, it's one of these GE energy smart 3 Way (16/25/32W) CFL's: (-->CLICK HERE<--) I searched and searched for an answer to this and although I did find some information nothing was conclusive, hopefully somebody can give me a definitive answer. What I want to know is at what wattage will this 3 way CFL run in my Aerogarden, I imagine it would be the same as a standard socket and based on what I researched the general consensus is that 3 way CFL's will run on either the lowest or highest setting in a standard (non 3 way) socket, however I also read that they will run on the middle setting in a standard socket, I'm sure you can understand my confusion. If I had a voltage meeter I could figure this out no prob but unfortunately I don't so can someone please shed some light (pun intended) on this for me?????? Thanks for your time and Happy New Year!!