Run!! the spots are coming!


Active Member
so i went in today and found these yellow and brown rusty dots on my lower leaves.. it looks to be spreading upward can someone who knows their shit tell me wtf is wrong here. i have heard so many storys so i posted this thread to get a rel lowdown fct of what going on.
i have the plant in 1/4 organic MG and 3/4
scotts soil that feeds for up to 3 or 4 months. i have 6 27=100watt cfl bulbs and hve not been giving any nutes.
so just to be clear i would like someone in this thread who knows their stuff please. i have search and search threds but their is so many peps posting so many reason that it can leve one confused on whats the truth. if you do not fully know what the problems are on these threds you should not post. leave it to the peps who have true knowledge and are not novice at growing. this will make it easier for everyone on this site thnx. that being said i included pics and thnx in dvance guys for your help



Well-Known Member
look under your leafs too.. little specks could be mites... or it might be a fert or ph prablem