rumors we heard before we started growing


Active Member
before we all started growing we have looked for the information we could get. along with that info there were many rumors so i think we should try and put them to rest. one rumor that has always surfaced for me was you could tell a female seed because it would be bigger and darker. well since i have been growing i have tried to keep track of it and well a bigger seed is just a more mature seed and it has been a pretty close split to 60/40 that it will be female. but maybe they are just my seeds.


Well-Known Member
Always hang your plants upside down after harvesting, roots and all. It lets all the THC/resin run down into the buds. :lol:

Ever hear that one?


Well-Known Member
Here's one I still see alot....

...don't give your plants too much water at once, or you'll overwater them. Total bullshit, unless your medium is fucked. :razz:


Active Member
oh so many times. its jst easier to hang them from the stem and not hurt they bud but the resins are already in the bud. if not you shouldnt have


Active Member
and i have heard that if you you can tell if its going to be a female if you look at the seed when it first germinates. a straight tail is male and c will be female. if you use the paper towel methoid. arent they all little c's making the tap root. never seen a straight one..but have grown many a male


Active Member
and i have heard that if you you can tell if its going to be a female if you look at the seed when it first germinates. a straight tail is male and c will be female. if you use the paper towel methoid. arent they all little c's making the tap root. never seen a straight one..but have grown many a male
Surprisingly I just germinated a strait one from a paper towel. Very rare though


Active Member
realy you actually got a straight one. i am amazed. please grow it out and see if its a male. i so bad want to know. i am going to keep a note of it a pm you in a few weeks


Active Member
At least eight hours of light a day must be provided. As you increase the light, the plants grow faster and show more females/less males. Sixteen hours of light per day seems to be the best combination, beyond this makes little or no appreciable difference in the plant quality. Another idea is to interrupt the night cycle with about one hour of light. This gives you more females.................................................................................................................................................................. this a quote right from the web site. do people just make this shit up


Active Member
You know, I agree with this, AT ONCE is the key word, if your soil drains like it should the extra water would run out.
Here's one I still see alot....

...don't give your plants too much water at once, or you'll overwater them. Total bullshit, unless your medium is fucked. :razz:


Well-Known Member
How about this one

"Only females have leaves with more than 5 prongs" I've had so many people tell me that lol
I'm not sure if this is still myth or fact, but molasses increases bud weight by 30%. Now Molasses has worked wonders for my first 2 grows, but i don't think it was 30%....


Active Member
I just started using mollasses on my outdoor as well as my indoor. I have noticed a "beefing" effect on my indoor... maybe I need more for the outdoor, they seem to have not even noticed the glucose.