Ok fellas, first post I know I know. But to the point ive been scheming up plans for my first INDOOR grow setup. I want you guys to critique me and add your 2cents to what my plan is now so i can make it better if its lacking.

Ill be doing the good ole Rubbermaid stacking growbox, heres my list.
2 Rubbermaids (stacked)
80mm-120mm exhaust fans (computerfans) ive even been thinking about buying a small ground fan and cutting a hole on the TOP rubbermaid and sticking it there. (Not good with wiring).
CFL lighting, 6500K for veg, 2700k for flowering (not sure on how i should set this up yet) maybe 2 of each Spectrum inside.
Mylar lining for reflection of course.
Cut holes in rubbermaid for air intake (literally gonna cut a couple holes)

Is this good so far or enough for what I need to start my first indoor grow? and Can i use this same setup for years to come? ALSO i will be growing AUTO SEEDS AUTO #1 in this setup, Thanks sorry if this is confusing [stoned]


Active Member
I use a dremel rotary drill you need to use a rechargable or plug in drill to make the holes in a rubbermaid. if there is enough airflow it might work


Active Member
LITERALLY just finished mine today. I used a power strip with 2 fixture to dual-socket attachments which I zip tied to the power strip which I then zip tied to the top container. Putting out 6400 lumen in 4 bulbs. Ghetto rigged a reflector out of an aluminum baking pan. Now just waiting on my clones to root


Active Member
Stacked meaning both the openenings are like () or )) cause ive seen them built both ways.?

My critique with the info now is that ventilation isn’t going to be adequate most likely.

I would also reconsider mylar for flat white paint if it were me; this is especially true for soil. Mylar is hard to hang in strange shapes like rubbermaids without creating hotspots. If mylar gets wet or dirt on it its hard to clean; this causes it to reflect worse then the white paint,unless u go for clesnable mylar which is very $$$

What are your temps?

Your friend in the green age
Sine143-No im just winging it on the box till i get the hang of indoor growing underneath my belt and eventually move onto hydro, im a little confused on what lighting i should use with autoflowers im thinking a mix of both 2700k and 6500ks but keeping it more red spectrum dominant which is the best spectrum for flowering (2700k). they will be on 20/4 till finish. Another thing is keeping the temps down inside the box since it is...just hard plastic whats the most easiest/affordable way to install a fan setup i was thinking of cutting a hole on top of the 2 rubbermaids and putting a ground fan on top that will move plenty of air inside the box. THANKS!
Chipmunkproof-Will the paint stick to the rubbermaid? and it seems i could somehow staple the mylar to the ends of the bottom chamber of the rubbermaids.
