Roots Organics Soil or Fox Farms Oceans Forest


Well-Known Member
quick questions for you guys, been using coco for my previous grows and wanna switch to soil for the experience. I started some seeds out in FFHF in solo cups and need to transplant this weekend. Some plants took the HF pretty well and others needed something more. I was thinking of goin with RO but hear they have problems with bugs and I want to avoid any bugs at all cost. The other option was Oceans Forest, which I heard good things about, but heard RO was better. Was wondering what your opinions are on the 2. Most the stuff I read about the bugs in the RO was from 2011-2012 and I don't know if they ever fixed the problem or not. Any info would help. thanks


Well-Known Member
Personally Fox farm sucks. Holds way to much water and turns into a nasty mud. It also compacts really hard.

You can add a shit load of Perlite but I still feel like its mud.

I've used Roots Organics too. I loved it straight out of the bag. Could still use perlite but I like my pots to dry out quicker rather than later.


Well-Known Member
Using roots currently, used ff happy frog before that...roots wins hands down!! Smells and feels fresher and its a better consistency for more aeration and water retention is more consistent..I also think if either of them have a chance at containing micro biology out of the bag it's the roots


Well-Known Member
I get through my veg with roots organics dirt, og pure and og tea. Some strains may need to b hit once or twice before flower and I'll give them some biobizz grow.


Active Member
I've had great success with Promix HP in smart pots over the last couple of years, stays loose, drains nicely, plants never show signs of problems. Not one of the two you mentioned but I'm really happy with it.


Well-Known Member
I use FFOF all the time. Once to try something different I switched to the RO707. My vegetation was an unatural bright green and it seemed to take more work to keep them from yellowing out too soon. I switched back to FF after that and never looked back. I know that FF has its share of detractors but straight outta the bag with 30% or so Perlite has always worked for me, and I drive quite a few miles to get what works best for me.


Well-Known Member
im on my 4th grow using FFOF. why fix something if it isnt broke. I veg for 8-10 week w/o an nutes.


Active Member
fox always behaves the same i mix with light warrior and i get just about 2-3 weeks perfect veg in a solo cup i can count on this everytime