Roots Organic Potting Soil -- Straight?

I'm putting together my first soil grow, and thought I'd experiment with a three different mixes -- to see which one worked best for me. The seedlings are ready to transplant into my 3-gallon Roots Organic Smart Pots, so I'm ready to get my mixes down pat.

After a lot of reading, I have just a couple of questions:

1) Roots Organic potting soil says to use it straight from the bag, with no amendments or additions. If you've used it, have you found it works well on its own . . . or have you used additions?

2) I have some of Fox Farm's Ocean Forest. Again, if you've used it, have you supplemented with perlite or coir or something to keep it more aerated . . . and maybe also to keep it from burning my seedlings?
-----2b) I also have some of FF's Light Warrior, which I know folks use often in conjunction with Ocean Forest. What ratios have you found to work? Do you still supplement with perlite, or anything else?

3) I have some of the* organic* Miracle-Gro potting mix. Yes, I know it's not great -- but I want to find out for myself how "not great" it is. It seems like it would require some perlite, at the very least. What else have you added and had success with?

That's all for now. TIA for any input!


PS: I have a variety of nutes and supplements -- just in case you might think one of the mixes above would benefit. They are . . . Liquid Karma, Bat Guano, Sweet, Cal-Mag, PBP Grow and Bloom, Hygrozyme (not Hydrozyme), Humboldt's Myco Madness, and probably a bunch of stuff I'm forgetting.


Well-Known Member
All of those will need powdered dolomite lime and perlite added to them, no matter what the bag says.

So far, I have never seen a bagged soil regardless of the cost, that had enough of either.



Well-Known Member
I use FFOF with 20-30% perlite only for my seedlings, it will not burn your babies, thats just hype from RO distributers.
Once they get out of seedling stage then use only 15-20 % perlite. I have done both RO and FFOF ( still going) I am dis pleased with RO major like! My seedlings came up very very slow and then half died, the one's that made it are so slow in veg and even worse when it came to budding.

NOne the less I respect your journal and can not wait to see the outcome.


Well-Known Member
Oh and The Roots Organic soil I used straight out of the bag, sticks and all. Was told it was not needed to add perlite or anything.


Active Member
listen to thebugslaaa, thats what I was gonna say as well. Everything in subcools recipe is available on such as azomite and powdered humic acid if you have trouble finding anything. Its all online and its supposed to be one of the best MJ recipes out there. I cant try it because I live in Canada and cant get all the ingredients down here but if I was you I would do it for sure.


Well-Known Member
I will third the vouch for Sub's Super Soil. I have used FFOF and LW 2:1 ratio and it is good for sprouts and adult plants. Never had a problem. Bugs maybe, but I'm outside anyways.