Roots Cracked the shell


New Member
dam im in the same boat as u nigga..i too has probme \germing my ak48 seeds..i wouldve never thought germing would be this hard huh?? unfortunately yes it happens....some seeds dont "take" even after it cracks the shell....dont drop em tho..just wait./.any pics


Active Member
Need some more information...

After the root cracked the shell what did you do with it?

How long has it been since the shell cracked?

Brick Top

New Member
All you can do is wait and see what happens. I am guessing you used the paper towel method even though you didn't say but just keep them moist and warm and in at least semi-darkness and wait. You cannot do anything else.


Well-Known Member
Warm it up.

I usually Germ seeds at room temp but when I check to see if some are duds and have cracked the shell but won't come up, I put them in a wooden box and place them over a lamp.

Get's them up to about 85-90 degrees and works like a charm.

Some seeds just won't happen but that's my method.