Roots clogging up Wilma


Well-Known Member
I have a 4 pot Wilma drip system with 4 autos just going from pre-flower to flower & the roots are clogging the system up. I can't lift the individual pots & I have to clear the drain holes as they are being blocked & overflowing the system when the pump runs.
Will I be better off cutting some of the roots or maybe turn off the pump & let them fend for themselves in a DWC environment?
Incidentally the plants are doing fantastic which is probably the ROOT of the problem!
Hard to tell cuz I don't really see the thing itself. Cutting off the roots are never a very good thing BUT roots are shrinking off if exposed to light so if there's a means to expose excessive roots to light you can use that to reduce their amount
I've been using wilmas a few years and I've never experienced that.

But I use cloth pots and I sit the plants on bakers drying racks so they aren't sat in the square recess.
Which is probably why they're clogging.
Because its staying humid enough under them pots to allow roots to grow off and through the hole.

I'd cut them off and raise them on something like a wire rack.

What's your timer set at?
What medium?
You could try turning off the pump for short periods to see if the roots will naturally redirect themselves. Another option is to switch to a DWC setup if you're comfortable with the change. Either way, keeping an eye on the root growth and adjusting as needed will help maintain your system's health.
You could try turning off the pump for short periods to see if the roots will naturally redirect themselves. Another option is to switch to a DWC setup if you're comfortable with the change. Either way, keeping an eye on the root growth and adjusting as needed will help maintain your system's health.