Rootone Rooting Gel in DWC Tub


Active Member
Would it be safe &/or effective to dip cuttings into a rootone rooting gel & put them into a bubble cloner? The last time I applied a rooting gel onto the cutting & placed them in a DWC/bubble cloner, algae built up on the cuttings & inside the tub. I assume that the algae found plenty of nutrients available in the gel. Since then I completely started over replacing the tubing & airstones while disinfecting the tub with 91% iso + zone dilution. To disallow any creatures to create & home in my tub I've added Dutch Master zone as a preventative measure & my water has stayed clear ever since I started using it. I think if I dipped the cuttings again the algae would be encouraged by the gel. If anyone has used rooting hormone in a bubble cloner I want to know your results. It seems like the rootone would encourage root growth since the water is kept sanitary with Zone but I am using distilled water in the res & it would cost $15 to replace it if adding the rooting hormone to the water screws something up. I figure being patient will be my best bet. Let me know.


Active Member
Decided to let the cuttings soak in the rooting gel for 30minutes. After they soaked I rinsed the stems throughly where I had applied the gel under tap then let them chill in distilled water for 5 minutes before returning them to the bubble cloner. I decided rinsing them off would be enough to keep the res clean while still allowing the stem to saturate in the rooting hormone for a while.


Well-Known Member
I had similar problems using clonex gel in my bubble cloner. Rinsing it off b4 adding it to the cloner helped a bit, bit i still saw the algea/slime growth show up about 12 days later. I'm currently trying to use some rooting powder to see if this works any better. Today is day 5 since i put them in so as soon as i see any roots OR slime coming in i'll try to let you know. 2 things to think about. #1 - Don't let the stem be submerged in the water. Let it hang about an inch or so above the water line. #2 - Most commercial bubble/aero cloners tell you to NOT use distilled or RO Water. Get some tap water and let it sit out for a day to evaporate all of the chlorine then just pour it in. IME PH of the water does not really effect anything until you start seeing roots. Hope this helps. Good luck.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Instead of the gels and powders, just buy the cloning solution.
That's what it's made for.
To be used in hydroponics for rooting purposes. Especially in the case of bubblers and rez's.
Gels and powders are more for soil/soilless.
Don't get me wrong.
Many ppl use gels and powders with success in hydro.
The solution is just a CONSTANT supply of hormones being sprayed/misted onto the plant and roots.


Active Member
That what I think too.Gels and powders don't work the greatest have good luck with the green dip and grow


Active Member
That what I think too.Gels and powders don't work the greatest have good luck with the green dip and grow

Yeah only had rootone laying around. Won't bother buying anything else since I do not really need hormone anyway.

Instead of the gels and powders, just buy the cloning solution.
That's what it's made for.
To be used in hydroponics for rooting purposes. Especially in the case of bubblers and rez's.
Gels and powders are more for soil/soilless.
Don't get me wrong.
Many ppl use gels and powders with success in hydro.
The solution is just a CONSTANT supply of hormones being sprayed/misted onto the plant and roots.

Yeah? So of the people you heard that use gels in a bubble cloner, how did they do it.