Root Rot: The SM-90/Aquashield story ...Myth?


Active Member
The theme is the same: SM-90 will kill your beneficial bacteria. So, do not use them together.
I read that another member from one of these boards did their research and contacted Nutrilife, to discover that SM-90 is compatible with beneficial bacteria.
So, I decided to double check that.
After having a brief conversation with the owner of Nutrilife(manufacturer of SM-90), he assured me that SM-90 is not harmful to these beneficial bacteria.
Since a number of newer products have come to market, he has also claimed that he will be testing with these in the near future, but does not expect any problems.
Summary***Nutrilife's owner stated that SM-90 can be used in conjunction with Aquashield (Bacillus subtilis, and numerous other living benevolent products), w/o detriment to one another.
