Root Riot vs Rockwool


Active Member
Has anybody any experience using root riot sponges for taking cuttings??
i always seem to get a better strike rate with root riot but struggle when it comes to potting on. With rockwool i dont have as much strike rate but potting on seems easier


Active Member
I love using root riot plugs for my clones. They crossover wonderfully into a coco/perlite system, a little mykos and azos dusting and the roots just explode. I'm not as big a fan of rockwool, just a personal preference. Had problems with algae, pH issues (isolated event actually), but its great for hydro/aero. What is happening during transplant using the plugs compared to rockwool? What medium are you planting in? Have you considered using any root accelerator fungus/bacteria products?


Active Member
Last time i tried to transpalnt, i put them into 4 inch containers with potting soil and a little perlite, no fertlisers or anything was used i just planted them on a few days after roots showed. I got a 100% strike rate with them (root riot) but only one survived transplanting. My new cuttings are about ready to transplant now. The only thing i can think that mite have gone wrong is that the root riot plugs dried out where as the soil was moist.
What is mykos and azos??
i read in a book somewhere that phosphorus promoted root growth so i was maybe thinking of buying a phosphorus fertilser and soaking them in that before transplanting or maybe i should just make sure they are well watered this time for first week??
thanks for your reply fela


Active Member
Last time i tried to transpalnt, i put them into 4 inch containers with potting soil and a little perlite, no fertlisers or anything was used i just planted them on a few days after roots showed. I got a 100% strike rate with them (root riot) but only one survived transplanting. My new cuttings are about ready to transplant now. The only thing i can think that mite have gone wrong is that the root riot plugs dried out where as the soil was moist.
What is mykos and azos??
i read in a book somewhere that phosphorus promoted root growth so i was maybe thinking of buying a phosphorus fertilser and soaking them in that before transplanting or maybe i should just make sure they are well watered this time for first week??
thanks for your reply fela
Sorry I missed your reply, I've been kinda spaced out recently. I'm really suprised that you have had such shock during transplanting, once my clones are rooted I've always had great results from transplanting. The azos and mykos I mentioned are beneficial bacteria and fungi that work wonderfully during transplants and aide in the roots efficiency and nutrient mining abilities. Check out for more info. I also use their cal carb product, great stuff.

As for the rooting being improved with some extra phosphorus, I'm unfortunately unfamiliar with such. I'd recommend a little superthrive and some rest from light after transplant. I usually give my plants plenty of water and raise the light well above the normal distance to let the plants recover a bit for 3 days or so. Hope this helps, let us know how it goes during your upcoming transplant. :)


Active Member
haha yea me to pal, i have rooted a few different lots using the cubes and have had no problems :-) and i went to hydroponic shop and got
some stuff called voodoo juice seems to be doing the job


Active Member
haha yea me to pal, i have rooted a few different lots using the cubes and have had no problems :-) and i went to hydroponic shop and got
some stuff called voodoo juice seems to be doing the job
Hahahaha, I think we all are spaced out here, I've been out an about for awhile, wish I had checked in more on this forum. When you say rooted a few lots in cubes, you mean you have gone back to using rockwool as your full time medium for clones? Love to hear about this voodoo juice and how you are treating the cubes (wick vs overhead watering, dome, heat mat or no? etc...) Ive never had much luck with the wool, love some feedback if you may bud, got a future hydro project that needs rockwool...


Active Member
Alright AA, i not been on here for ages now as not had internet connection, so i will give you a quick update on where i am up to.

After my previous attemps at taking cuttings i give up as was having a strike rate of about 5%. so i started growing from seed again. But, now i have 5 healthy mother plants that i have been misting now for a few days in preperation for taking cuttings. My mothers are about 3 months old almost and growing in cana tera pro 15 ltr containers at the moment.
I have bought some cana rhizotonic too and a wide t5 florescent light so will root cuttings using root riot and have also bought an aeroponic cloner.

Does anybody have any ideas on how i use the cana rhizotonic?? i think i soak the root cubes ina dilute solution and also foliar feed the cuttings with it as they root but not sure???????