root mass/root bound question...


Active Member
I have a question about root mass if anyone can help me out. Is it better to start off with a smaller pot and gradually move to a bigger pot, or is it ok to start off with a big pot and stay at the big pot size? someone told me its better to start small as this will create a bigger root mass. This is for a indoor hydro setup using hydroton and loose fill STG. Thank you for your help.


Active Member
I mean, I should change to a bigger pot before they get root bound right? Lets say I start in a 1gal pot. When should I move to the next size pot before they get root bound? Don't I need to pull the plants out of the pot to make sure they are not root bound? I guess with soil it would be PITA to keep pulling out your plants...


Well-Known Member
If ya started in cubes and then went to beer cups and then the final pot would work out the best.

They will only be in the beer cups 1 week. They will grow that fast.


Well-Known Member
they will grow better if you start small then gradually get bigger pots.

there is a reason for this, it is cool.

the roots if put in a big pot will just grow long and stringy as they have no obstruction. your plant wont be that good.

if you start small you will fill up the cup. The roots will grow strong. then move to the next pot, they wil fill that up and grow stronger, then finally in the big pot you will have a large rootmass that will search out, fully, like a giant, instead of one root, will become a big good girl.

the small to large pot plant theory will give you better plant;)