Root bound and PH problems?


Well-Known Member
Can't post a pic but certain the soil is acidic from run off tests. I think she's also root bound and compacted so I might not even get a good flush because path of water not through root ball. She's stretching still but buds aren't growing and she's four weeks into flower. Anyway, I've decided to dig a hole and take her out of the pot and give her room.

So, I'll flush in the pots tonight, cut the pots off and set her in the ground, break up some the hard soil she's in, then try to flush a little more.

I really want to loosen up the soil that's around the plant. Is that going to create transplant shock or how can I do that without shocking her? I wish I could wash a lot of the old, hard soil off her but there's no way since this is an outdoor grow a few miles from my house.



Well-Known Member
i wouldn't mess with the roots to much. just transplant to the ground and give a good watering. trying to remove the old soil is going to damage the roots. i had to flush one last night. i ran the hose thru it. it's a 5 gallon flower pot. i ran at least 10 gallons thru it. it looks better already. when i flush i soak then let it drain then soak again. i did this 6 times. now i will lightly feed next time i water. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
i ran the hose thru it. it's a 5 gallon flower pot. i ran at least 10 gallons thru it.
I should have mentioned it's outdoor a few miles from my house. It's a lot of work to get the water there. But yeah, probably better not to mess with the roots too much. Thanks.