root beomes soggy about 2" below soil??


Active Member
I have written about this before and no answer?? and I am stumped. I cannot find insect damage and what initially happened was a problem that looked like a phosphorus problem with the sides of the leaves turning yellow. The only different I did in years is change soil so I dumped the soil in my 12" plants at 3 weeks on 18 hr. I even washed the roots and placed in new soil.
It looked like that did the trick as I only lost the bad ones and all went well as I had to do another 4 weeks at 18 hour and then I went to 12. Well in the 4th week at 12 I started to see some yellowing and in 4 -5 days more yellowing and then next day the plant was totally wilted. I pulled out the plant and found the root soggy at about 2" below the soil. I could easily peel off the bark and it was very wet.
My friend thinks it is a fungus but can't find any reading material on it. It is hard to take pictures of the root to see anything as I tried and it is hard to tell fromt he picture. I'll try on the next one that dies. I have lost another 15% of the crop in the last 2 weeks. Getting close to the end and all together lost 1/2 of them.
Any idea?/ Anyone?