room too small for 1k watter?


Well-Known Member
I use my 1K with a 4x4 table. The best results come out of a 3x3 area. So answer is, yes use a 1000 if you can keep it cool.

I suspect that another 600 watts would boost yeild accordingly. Don't believe the retards who say a 1000 watt light covers 8'x8'.


Well-Known Member
How much heat do these things really make? The air moves around quite a bit now , two box fans, although not vented out of room with 600 Watts of cfls inches away from plants and no problems so far. The hps would be feet above them, so IM figuring the temps to stay around the same, if not cooler. What u guys think?


Well-Known Member
Ahhh heat. The bane of every grower. I'm in a similar situation in a region that gets over 100 in the summer. Wound up using a 6" inline fan and blowin air up into the attic. Also run the lights at night when it is cooler.
Blowing air on plants with box fans helps cool them. It also moves the leaves around so they don't burn as easily. 1000 watts in a 5x5 will warm it quite a bit you have to crank the air through there.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking as long as i get the tube style reflector, get a 6" duct fan on one side straight intake from the room, through the light housing, into a couple feet of duct on the other side leading straight to the attic through a hole in the roof and put another inline fan at the end of the line basically spraying that hot ass shit through into no mans land above, i should be ok. Some guy was talking about how his set up of similar size w/ 1k watter just shot through the roof and like 2 fans in the room was in the mid 80's most of the time. I mean if all hell breaks loose in there, I could simply get a AC put in the window i have blacked out, and pump that shit in too. It stays humid in there cause of washer and dryer sharing same air the plants have not worried about the air drying up, plus the damn washer leaks water everywhere on the floor lol, its like a damn swamp.


Well-Known Member
Damn, I need to do more research then, i was under the impression all the pro's used cool tubes since all there shit is linked together with all that fancy ass ducting lol. Probably be many years till i need to even think about that. I just wanna be able to smash out a pound or two per flowering cycle. Is a 600 capable enough for that, or will i need the thousand? Keep in mind I'm using soil, as i'm a newb so its not exactly the best yielding.


Well-Known Member
Ok well i made my damn mind up, Just grabbing original 1000 idea, but going with a digital adjustable ballast so if the 1k is crazy i can knock it down to 500, or 750. The best of all worlds i guess? When did these come out anyways? What would posses someone to buy smaller lighting then have to upgrade later, if they could just adjust the v12 to only run on 6 cylinders when the gas price was too high? lmao... Damn I feel like an idiot for not knowing you could adjust the effing power down. Someone digitally smack me in the pie hole.


Well-Known Member
Damn, I need to do more research then, i was under the impression all the pro's used cool tubes since all there shit is linked together with all that fancy ass ducting lol. Probably be many years till i need to even think about that. I just wanna be able to smash out a pound or two per flowering cycle. Is a 600 capable enough for that, or will i need the thousand? Keep in mind I'm using soil, as i'm a newb so its not exactly the best yielding.
research never ends, so yes, specially now that you plan on using 100ish of $ on gear and with a 1000W will have a monthly power bill jump on 50-150$ depending where your located and how many fan`s and stuff you need to run it would be advisable to continue to do research

let me give you a great example (and no offend to the grower I now post a link to)

he have been growing for 4 years and run two 1000W and a AC but run 70F (a bit fun he have to low temps and not to high but Ooh well)

and cool tube or hood`s is a must IMO with big HID light`s, so start thinking

and don't get scared by a few tube`s/ducting a 1000W do produce A LOT !!!!! of heat, need to get rit of it fast or you will have hugh problems in a small space like yours

and a pound or two per flowering cycle, agin I must advice some more research, even a experience grower would have a hard time doing that with one 1000W
Damn, I need to do more research then, i was under the impression all the pro's used cool tubes since all there shit is linked together with all that fancy ass ducting lol. Probably be many years till i need to even think about that. I just wanna be able to smash out a pound or two per flowering cycle. Is a 600 capable enough for that, or will i need the thousand? Keep in mind I'm using soil, as i'm a newb so its not exactly the best yielding.
connecting two of these will give better spread.