room set-up help


Well-Known Member
Ok looking for some help in setting up a room.I have a space about 7ftx11ft to work with(can be bigger if needed)I can only grow 12 plants with the new law that just pasted so thinkin This space should be fine.I'm thinkin of splitting the room in half.One side for veg and clone room, the orther side for flowering.
Was thinkin 600hps lite for veg room with 2 4ft flo-tube for the clones under the veg table.
1000watt hsp lite for flowering room.Vented hoods on both lites and venting with scrubber for both rooms going out the basement window.I'll have 2 windows in this space for venting in and out.
Can anyone help me with this set-up as far as what lights for each room
Maybe a link to hydro stores on line where I can order whatever I need.And maybe a list of supplys.
Should I grow in dirt or what?Never grew in anything but dirt but not afraid to try.Timers,water pumps,mylar ect.ect.
Help me spend my money on the best set-up for a room this size and for this amount of plants.Will be my first grow in 20 years but plan on growing untill the law changes back.
Thanks in advance for your guys help.From what I've been reading theres a few grow pros out there and I sure could use your help in setting up a room.:peace:


Well-Known Member
First of all, the veg room should have a Metal Halide, not an HPS. The fluorescents are great for clones.

I imagine the 12 limit is only in the bloom room, so going with a 1000W HPS will work great.

You might want to consider the window ventillation, if there's a possibility someone walks past those windows, they might know what's up.

I've never ordered anything online, so I can't directly say what's a good site to go to, but others definately can.

Black/White Mylar is great for seperating rooms, and is affordable. The white side has a reflectivity rating around 80% efficient, and it's much more durable than mylar.

I recommend soil, if that's what you're used to, less initial cost, and easier IMO.

If you want to see my room, for ideas, it's in my journal, the link is just below in my signature, there is a before and after comparison post like 30 posts back from the most recent post.

Remember, keep it simple.

Good luck, happy growing :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
+1, and you could use it for bloom when you don't need to veg, or just run two 600W HPS in a bloom room, keep small mothers and clones under fluorescents, and veg under the HPS for a few weeks before blooming.

That's what I do currently, because there's no way I have enough space to veg out all the clones I have, I just do it under HPS, and then bloom.

But MH are typically for veg, blue spectrum.

HPS is for flower, red spectrum...

You could also get the hybrid HPS bulbs that are closer to full spectrum, but they cost a bit more.


Well-Known Member
Kind of what I was thinking,going with 2, 600w hps lights with flo tubes for clones and veg with the 600 untill they reach about 2ft then run both 600's in bloom room.Or would the flo's be good enough for veg.I'm concerned with strechin with only the flo's for vegging.Whats your thoughts on the flo's?Would only run 1, 600 in veg room then move that one over to the bloom room.Trying to keep it simple but want the most bang for my buck if ya know what I mean.Re-thinking my window vent issue.Would be a pain to run it up to the roof but will probaly go that route.Dont want the niebhors getting a wiff of the room.Another question is "scrubbers"can I make one or should I invest the cash and buy one?
Thanks for your help with all the questions and I'm still reading your journal mr howard,great read :peace:


Well-Known Member is great if you live in the states. They have everything you need to set-up a grow room and great service. They ship promptly and use UPS tracker so you know where the package is.
I would keep it nice and simple
flower 12 plants under a 1000watt hps
veg 12 plants under a 1000mh
if you can only do 12 total then get some 600's
your grow is legal so you dont have to worry about smell or light leeks...
if it was an illegal grow you would need an inline fan and a carbon filter
get a couple of inline fans, one for intake and one for exhaust
i would grow in dirt, ive seen seasoned hydro growers mess up plants in DWC, your better off in soil, less can go wrong
good luck with the the grow!!


Well-Known Member
You could just vent the air into the rest of your house, it's winter here, and it saves me a lot of money on my heating bill. And instead of a carbon scrubber (definately purchase one instead of making one) you could use different methods of odor control, ona gel is a good product, DrVonDankenstine recommended trying Downy Fabric Softener w/ Febreeze, in an evaporator bucket... Cheap and easy to make, just letting you know that you have options. As far as 600W vs. 1000W, the amperage of a 1000W digital ballast divided by the lumen output is a greater difference than a 600W, meaning, a 600W is more efficient as far as an electric bill, but that was a few years ago, Idk if the technology of a 1000W has caught up :?


Well-Known Member is great if you live in the states. They have everything you need to set-up a grow room and great service. They ship promptly and use UPS tracker so you know where the package is.
I would keep it nice and simple
flower 12 plants under a 1000watt hps
veg 12 plants under a 1000mh
if you can only do 12 total then get some 600's
your grow is legal so you dont have to worry about smell or light leeks...
if it was an illegal grow you would need an inline fan and a carbon filter
get a couple of inline fans, one for intake and one for exhaust
i would grow in dirt, ive seen seasoned hydro growers mess up plants in DWC, your better off in soil, less can go wrong
good luck with the the grow!!
Thanks for the link and the info.Will probaly stay with soil untill I learn more about the orther but diffently want to switch over.looks like its 6 total so 6 blooms. 6 clones/veg.thinkin 600 would be enough