Room Redesign


So I have been researching rdwc quite a bit. My beta tests so far have been pretty successful, but I have a couple nagging concerns. I am trying to get my numbers down and maximize the yield I can get out of either 4 or 8 tree style plants. Currently I am planning on housing each plant in a 6" square pot filled with hydroton rocks. My concern is those pots will not allow enough root growth to hit the yield numbers I am aiming for (4 oz to 1 lb per plant with each plant being trained into a 2'x4' vertical scrog screen). I have 3 gallon pots that I can use as well and getting 5 gallon buckets is pretty cheap and easy as well if they will allow me to truly push these girls to their limit indoors.

I am also aiming for a minimum of 10 gallons of nute solution per plant which is one of the problems I believe I ran into this last round. Trying to keep them well fed with a once per week rez change. Will this be enough or should I design around 20 gallons or so per plant?

