ROOM light turned on during night time 12/12 (flowering)


Active Member

yesterday I've made a big mistake and accidently left the ceiling light on in my growing ROOM while the plant went into 12/12
note: inside my grow room there's the growing closet, which has its own growing light (430W plus 2 smaller lamps) (I don't actually use the ceiling light for growing)
the CLOSET light was not on at the night time of 12/12, but the ceiling lamp in the room it was in WAS on the entire night..

I am afraid of the ramifications (or should I say HERMIEfications? =( )

the ceiling light was on, but, there was no DIRECT light contact, in my opinion, as the growing closet is 1.6 m tall and was with its back to the light
I am also afraid the light might have been reflected enough in the window that is sort of infront the open growing closet
(small pic to demonstrate)
(naturally, closet is covered with a wood board at the top)

should I be worried about this? is there anything to do besides praying and hoping that no hermie will pop out?

thank you very much for your time and attention


Active Member
Hermaphrodites can be forced back into a "female" state, if you want to do the work: you will have to wait til around 7-14 days of budding (not just flowering 12/12 for 10 days) but actual blooming. then keep checking under the buds for the testies and cut them off. YOU HAVE TO BE VERY, VERY CAREFUL!!! I recommed moving the plant out of the room during this, use sharp, pointed scissor, i use those fingernail manicuring scissors, they are very sharp and small, and pointy. These "testies" i refer to look like little seed pods and will usually be slightly or noticeably yellower than the actual flower buds. At this stage, their pollen count is not very high, or viable, so this is the best time to cut them off. If you get to them after they've been there for 2-3 days, the pods may have opened up, revealing banana-like pollen sacs, (filled with pollen!) these u must be really careful with. DO NOT PINCH THEM AT ALL. At this point, I recommend covering the rest of the flowers with sandwich bag corners, and with the utmost care and surgical precision, slice the bananas off completely at the stem, even go into the stem at the base of the flowers a little to avoid cutting the bananas at all. Hold a piece of paper under them, as close as you can get it to the pods, to catch them as they are released. Then carefully take those bastards to the toilet and flush them down.

The pods should not return, until the next flowering cycle that is, if u plan to keep it. But I also recommend checking (daily) every other flower that you did not pull bananas from, because they may or may not form on every flower. Once the plant is 2 weeks from harvest, u can stop checking b/c it will be too late for any seeds to form.

If you do get seeds from a hermie, they will either be feminized or hermies, 50/50 chance, i think...

If you catch them really early, the plant seems to stop producing them on the newer flowers that form :) One of my strongest, fastest growing, and most dense plants ever was a hermie. I got a dry ounce off of it, in less than 3 months time. That includes from seedling through curing! So don't lose hope, it just takes some extra TLC.

-golden: r u gonna just take pix of the wasp, while it pollinates your flower and drinks your thc? LOL j/k man, cool pic.


Active Member
for the really really quick relaxation you have brought me :bigjoint:
i was afraid i really massed up so its good to hear im doing fine.
and to hear you can actually reverse the hermie .
still hope i wont get it ofcource


Active Member
here are my girls four weeks into flowering
bare in mind in i have no idea how to take pictures well.
ghs cheese . im new to growing but was reading alot of the things begin said about ghs cheese and found my self a lovley plant that stincks of rotten socks and musky cheese
this is my first grow indoor after bad insect experience outdoors ,but i have never thought it will get so frosty . and my other fem the snow white i fimmed it and it turn out to be a lovely bush
any tips ? , suggestion's? will be apperciated
thanks alot


Well-Known Member
Your doing great, lots of leafs and over all a great looking plant. Go to the supermarket (safeway, etc) and get some molases. 2 Tbls per gallon per watering/feeding all the way to the end (even after flush). They will bulk up even more.


Active Member
i am feeding them 4 ml of top max every other watering from bio bizz
which suppose to be a Molasses based additive
i have learned about molasses only after buying this expensive shit . live and learn


Well-Known Member
i am feeding them 4 ml of top max every other watering from bio bizz
which suppose to be a Molasses based additive
i have learned about molasses only after buying this expensive shit . live and learn
True that. Every next grow you do will be better.


Active Member
here are my girls four weeks into flowering
bare in mind in i have no idea how to take pictures well.
ghs cheese . im new to growing but was reading alot of the things begin said about ghs cheese and found my self a lovley plant that stincks of rotten socks and musky cheese
this is my first grow indoor after bad insect experience outdoors ,but i have never thought it will get so frosty . and my other fem the snow white i fimmed it and it turn out to be a lovely bush
any tips ? , suggestion's? will be apperciated
thanks alot
Lol, u need no tips my friend, just flush w/that sugar daddy & water for the last 2 weeks! how long are those colas? Sometimes it's hard to get perspective


Active Member
although, personally, i would have cut back half of that canopy and allowed direct light penetration to the buds, it's never too late to prune either!!! The fan leaves in and around the buds will quickly pick up the slack, thus creating denser, fatter buds. Almost like SOG cloning. Just cut the main long branches with the fans at the end, all the way up to the colas, it wont even shock them. Always use clean, sharp scissors when pruning. Get as close to the main stem as u can without disturbing any flowers. Be careful not to cut away leaves that are part of the flower, those will be all that is left for photosynthesis. here's an example, 36 days old from a seed!



Active Member
Lol, u need no tips my friend, just flush w/that sugar daddy & water for the last 2 weeks! how long are those colas? Sometimes it's hard to get perspective
each cola is about the height of a 330cl ordinary beer bottle..

although, personally, i would have cut back half of that canopy and allowed direct light penetration to the buds, it's never too late to prune either!!! The fan leaves in and around the buds will quickly pick up the slack, thus creating denser, fatter buds. Almost like SOG cloning.
which one do you mean? the cheese or the snow white?


Active Member
which one do you mean? the cheese or the snow white?[/quote]

both: the cheese has the rubberbanded leaves right? well the undersideof the leaf is where the plant "breaths in co2, but that side is not capable of photosynthesis, while the plant has to expend wasted energy on those leaves . instead, don't be scared to lop them right off, trust me, the plants will love you for it! It's kinda like a haircut, those leavess are meant to be "eaten" in the wid anyway, whether by animal or insect, they are wasted nutrients and space indoors. IMO...

and i know u were just banding for the pix, but seriously, if you have to move them to see the flowers, you really don't need them. Also seriously though, you are fine like they are, really


Active Member
hello again
I am currently at end of week 5 of flowering and took some pictures..
all is looking very good, I have recently (a week) started using Atami BCUZZ tabs which is supposedly like pk13/14
I am using SunMaster 430 HPS which is located approx 15 cm from the tops, 2 side lightnings, one 65W CFL and 85W CFL
temperature is ideal using air conditioning

now all is looking well to me, thought I have some concerns regarding some leaves found on top of one of the snow white colas, the leaves have turned really yellow and some parts are brown, however there is no brown or yellow spots I can see on the flower..

my 2 and a half plants (I am also having a skunk berry as a side project I didn't invest as much as to the snow white and ghs cheese

this is the cheese:

this is the snow white

and here's the blueberry skunk, which actually has the most advanced flowers

what do you reckon about the yellow brown leaves??
and here's a question I know is hard to answer but can any of you estimate roughly what the yield should be?

thank you