Room getting too hot please help

So last night I thought everything was ready to go and was gonna plant. I fired everything up just to check it out while I get last minute stuff together and before too long the room is 88 degrees. So now theres a temp issue I'm having once I fire the cfl's up. I have 2 small stationary fans blowing and even a box fan and my temps are still were high. I got one thing to check this morning that might be causing this issue but I wanted to post this and get some additional ideas from you seasoned growers here at RIU. Thanks in advance. I'll keep you all posted on my progress.
I did a little research and figured out that I'm bringing my fresh air in from too high in the room so I'm thinking to counteract that mistake I'm just going to cut a passive air flow source down at the bottom put vents on both sides and run a fan to pull the air in any thoughts on this? I'll keep you all posted on how it's going.
88 degrees should not be too much of a problem.
Keep in mind that outdoor plants under the sun endure far higher temps, and yet manage to provide potent, yummy buds.
Thanks for the feedback so do you think I should still cut a passive vent out at the bottom of my room? Just wondering cause I absolutely want to avoid further construction once the beans have sprouted.
I think I might have solved the problem I had a flow issue with my intake so now going to fire it up and see what happens hopefully it runs cooler now.

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
i would just run inline fan from outside air ,i do this from the eev of my house ,hole in ceiling that can be fixed easily when im done ,1 hole that i have intake vent to one side the house ,exhaust vent to other side ,hole in ceiling is about foot and half .inline fan has vent tubing running to front of room on floor ,exhaust 6 in inline fan with carbon filter mounted on ceiling oppisite side of room ,works out real good ,starts getting to cold outside turn off inline fan and let it breath without fan on .
i would just run inline fan from outside air ,i do this from the eev of my house ,hole in ceiling that can be fixed easily when im done ,1 hole that i have intake vent to one side the house ,exhaust vent to other side ,hole in ceiling is about foot and half .inline fan has vent tubing running to front of room on floor ,exhaust 6 in inline fan with carbon filter mounted on ceiling oppisite side of room ,works out real good ,starts getting to cold outside turn off inline fan and let it breath without fan on .
Thanks I did try this to begin but I have floor joists in my way but I did some trouble shooting today and so far one sensor has been consistant at 78 and the other one at 80 so hot damn I think its about time to get this show up and running lol.
mayor you really should rethink that fresh air intake ,mine have doubled in size since i got inline fan running threw attic to eev of house
I will keep this in mind but I don't really have that option right now however my vent is about 2 ft from a door that I can let fresh air in so maybe this could be the ticket I know its not like having fresh air all the time but it would be better than nothing right? My plans are to grow short bushy plants versus taller ones. I can already tell there is going to be a serious learning curve lol to say the least. Talk to you later Oldshol


Well-Known Member
Passive intakes low, passive/powered exhaust up high. A 6" extraction fan will need a 12"x12" UNOBSTRUCTED passive intake. I have 2 - 12x12's covered with whole house filters to filter the incoming air and it's not enough passive intake,I need to cut in at least one more 12x12. Once you start covering the intakes with filters/light proofing,etc you loose ALOT of flow. Sounds like if your keeping it around ~80 your good to go..
Passive intakes low, passive/powered exhaust up high. A 6" extraction fan will need a 12"x12" UNOBSTRUCTED passive intake. I have 2 - 12x12's covered with whole house filters to filter the incoming air and it's not enough passive intake,I need to cut in at least one more 12x12. Once you start covering the intakes with filters/light proofing,etc you loose ALOT of flow. Sounds like if your keeping it around ~80 your good to go..
Thanks for the advice with the passive intakes definitely an option if this becomes an issue. Good to hear that 80 degrees will work.

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
mayor ,have you noticed that some of these well none members just come on the newbie section to just feel proud and swing there nut's and really don't give a shit about your grow or helping you out on getting a good grow .i don't no ,i can say i have found a few that really want to help out like dr.pecker and rm3 those guy's help out a lot .maybe those other just feel that we might be competition one day ,i don't no about you but it is medicine for me ,so i roll on and just keep on listening to the one's i figure no there shit ,keep your head up an listen to one's that are good mentors
mayor ,have you noticed that some of these well none members just come on the newbie section to just feel proud and swing there nut's and really don't give a shit about your grow or helping you out on getting a good grow .i don't no ,i can say i have found a few that really want to help out like dr.pecker and rm3 those guy's help out a lot .maybe those other just feel that we might be competition one day ,i don't no about you but it is medicine for me ,so i roll on and just keep on listening to the one's i figure no there shit ,keep your head up an listen to one's that are good mentors
Yeah that was probably the worst reply anyone could have sent but it's all good nothing personal probably thought it was sooooooooooo funny and soooooooo cool as they posted that reply. Water off a ducks back that's all I can say but yeah wanted to make point nothing will grow without the lights on! That's been the first snide reply here at RIU and with response like that pretty sure they are clueless. I enjoy your posts and replies old sho and its not hard to tell who really knows their stuff around here. And some people are just like that its how the world is I'll focus on you positive people here at RIU.


Well-Known Member
88 degrees should not be too much of a problem.
Keep in mind that outdoor plants under the sun endure far higher temps, and yet manage to provide potent, yummy buds.
88 degrees is TOO WARM for a lot of strains, other strains will have no issue. Keep this in mind if you cannot get your temps down you will need a warmer weather strain.