Ron Paul ... The Kook.


New Member
Too Close to Kooky
By Mona Charen

Friday, November 16, 2007

Memo to: Ron Paul supporters
Subject: Your e-mails

Okay, enough is enough. Like every other journalist in America, and who knows, maybe the world or even the universe, I've been deluged with your letters and e-mails. So I've done as you asked and taken a closer look at your candidate. Here is what I've found:

1. Ron Paul is inconsistent. Though he calls himself a man of principle and is apparently admired as such by his ardent fans, his principles seem somewhat elastic. He rails against the Bush administration for its supposed assault on civil liberties, yet when he was asked at one of the debates whether Scooter Libby deserved a pardon, he said no. "He doesn't deserve one because he was instrumental in leading the Congress and the people to support a war that we didn't need to be in." Notice that he didn't say it was because Libby was guilty of committing a crime. No, because Libby argued for a policy with which Paul disagreed, he deserved to serve time in prison. Ron Paul, the libertarian, who presumably values liberty above all, is willing to deprive someone else of his because of a policy disagreement?

2. Ron Paul is historically challenged. He argues that by embracing isolationism, he fits within a Republican tradition stretching back to Eisenhower "who stopped the Korean War" and including Nixon "who stopped the war in Vietnam." Let's recap. Eisenhower threatened to use nuclear weapons against China. It was the Eisenhower administration that had a hand in toppling Iran's Mohammad Mossedegh (an intervention that Paul has elsewhere cited as causing the U.S. grief 25 years later when the Islamists took power). Eisenhower also intervened in Guatemala, Cuba (planning for the Bay of Pigs began during his tenure) and Lebanon.

Nixon, an isolationist? Most observers, whatever they may make of detente with the USSR and the opening to China, agree that Nixon was an emphatic internationalist. For the record, he intervened in many countries including Chili, Peru and Cambodia. And he saved Israel by resupplying her during the Yom Kippur war. Neither his successes nor failures grew out of a Paulesque policy of "minding our own business."

3. Ron Paul is unserious. Suggesting that you will eliminate the IRS, the CIA, the FBI and other government agencies within weeks of taking office is ridiculous. These are bumper stickers, not serious reform proposals.

4. Ron Paul is too cozy with kooks and conspiracy theorists. As syndicated radio host Michael Medved has pointed out, Ron Paul's newspaper column was carried by the American Free Press (a parent publication of the Hitler-praising Barnes Review). Paul may not have been aware of this. But though invited by Medved to disavow any connection, Paul has so far failed to respond.

Paul has appeared on the Alex Jones radio program not once, not twice, but three times. Jones is the sort who believes that black helicopters are coming to impose a police state on America. He is quite concerned about the Bohemian Grove, the Bilderbergers, the federal election system (it's rigged, of course) and so on. Naturally, he believes that 9/11 was an inside job. Ron Paul has even appeared in a Jones film, "Endgame," the point of which is apparently that the Bilderbergers are plotting to control the world. They've already got Europe (through the European Union) and now are on the verge of securing America by means of a North American union that would unite Mexico, the United States and Canada.

Even if Paul says nothing insane in this film, his appearance alone calls his judgment into question. I have not seen "Endgame," but I have heard a tape of Paul on the Jones program just after the 2006 election. Jones asked the congressman whether the victory for the Democrats wasn't a "rejection of neo-fascist imperialism." Paul replied, "Yeah . . . This was a healthy election as far as I'm concerned."

Ron Paul is the favorite candidate of a number of racist, neo-Nazi and conspiracist websites. While Paul cannot be held accountable for the views of cranks and kooks, he can disavow their support and return their checks. He received $500 from Don Black, the proprietor of and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. He has not yet returned it.

Moreover, Paul seems to be playing a sly game with his conspiracy-minded fans. He does not explicitly endorse the crazier theories out there, but he hints at dark forces in the U.S. government threatening our liberties, he inveighs against the "neo-cons" (shorthand for Jews in some circles) and he gives aid and comfort to the paranoid by appearing on their favorite radio shows.
No, Ron Paul is not my candidate. Not for president. He might make a dandy new leader for the Branch Davidians.

Mona Charen is a syndicated columnist, political analyst and author of Do-Gooders: How Liberals Hurt Those They Claim to Help .
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New Member
So I take it you are against his agenda, figures. Talk constitutional hogwash then Dis the only candidate running on a constitutional platform, I guess you lost another Brain cell, careful, you are down to two, it's getting critical.


Well-Known Member
There is more than a scintilla of truth to the points enumerated above by Mona.
The "establishment" conservative columnists and Talk Jocks like Mona, Rush, Hannity, Levin, O'Reily and their ilk are inherently averse to the type of radical change proposed by Dr Paul. They get their hackles up when discussing Paul and his supporters. The Paul skeptics and critics seem unable to see the “forest for the trees”.
IMO, they are myopic in their perception of Paul’s true mission.... which is simply to cleave more closely to the US Constitution.
That is why Paul is the best hope for the future of America!


New Member
There is more than a scintilla of truth to the points enumerated above by Mona.
The "establishment" conservative columnists and Talk Jocks like Mona, Rush, Hannity, Levin, O'Reily and their ilk are inherently averse to the type of radical change proposed by Dr Paul. They get their hackles up when discussing Paul and his supporters. The Paul skeptics and critics seem unable to see the “forest for the trees”.
IMO, they are myopic in their perception of Paul’s true mission.... which is simply to cleave more closely to the US Constitution.
That is why Paul is the best hope for the future of America!

And this coming from a pro-war, anti poor, repuke, amazing, welcome to humanity.


New Member
wow. i've never read anything more intellectually dishonest. who paid this bitch to lie?

word games, mis-representation, lies and slander -the tools of the neo-cons.


Well-Known Member
I read the article when it came out and was suprised not to see any discussion of the points she brings up. I haven't seen any mention of Billary and the campaign fraud charges about $2.5 Million raised by Peter Paul on her behalf so I discount Mona's credibility. If you wanna throw dirt throw it at everybody and demand they answer.VV


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul only seems Kooky in this day and age to those who have buried their heads in the sand in the face of our desolving freedoms and the Overwhelming corruption in government as he goes against the current Status quo.
He wants to end the war on drugs, He wants to Bring our troops in Iraq home , he wants to bring back value to the dollar, he wants to abolish the IRS, He wants to stop giving incentives to Illegal Aliens, He promotes a "Just War theory", He wants to get the Government back on track to what the founding fathers originally intended it to do which is to protect and ensure our god given rights instead of taking them away.

Its obvious that our country is in dire straits when a person who beleives in the above is considered "Kooky".

YouTube - Headzup: McCain Compares Ron Paul To Hitler Appeaser


Well-Known Member
There is no doubt that corporate amerkia and M$M fear Dr. Paul and will do all they can to smear him.

If they fail to do so it will mean the end of their control of who selects the candidates ....

Case in point ...

RON PAUL 4409 -- ( BUSTED ) -- Proof the polls are rigged!

Only problem is people (most anyway) aren't falling for the bullshit slime like this woman wrote. She pretty much lost all credibility. :-|


New Member
WTF Vi. I thought Paul was your guy too. The one thing we could actually agree on:cry:
Vi doesn't have a guy. He just insults everyone else's guy. The only persons he would consider are the guys that are too retarded to ever win a primary,~LOL~, Dr williams for one.


New Member
By Mona Charen

i would expect nothing less from a socialist moron.

Ron paul espouses the very principles of the founders and the constitution, if you disagree with that, then you are the one with the problem.

there is nothing inconsistent about following the law of the land.

it's you fabian socialists who disagree with the way things work here in america.

I say it's hopeless but I'm giving RON the chance, I've known Ron since 1992.

if he cant fix it, no-one can.

at which case, Ve va le revolution.

Death to the New World Order, we are on the march, they are on the run.


Well-Known Member
I was unswayed, BTW/ I think this lady dug for miles into the earth's surface and acts like she is impressive for finding a few ounces of dirt on Ron Paul. Its not even objectively moving. To say the least, she is biased and would ha a much easier time diggin up dirt on anyone else with that kind of work ethic.


New Member
Ron Paul only seems Kooky in this day and age to those who have buried their heads in the sand in the face of our desolving freedoms and the Overwhelming corruption in government as he goes against the current Status quo.
He wants to end the war on drugs, He wants to Bring our troops in Iraq home , he wants to bring back value to the dollar, he wants to abolish the IRS, He wants to stop giving incentives to Illegal Aliens, He promotes a "Just War theory", He wants to get the Government back on track to what the founding fathers originally intended it to do which is to protect and ensure our god given rights instead of taking them away.

Its obvious that our country is in dire straits when a person who beleives in the above is considered "Kooky".

YouTube - Headzup: McCain Compares Ron Paul To Hitler Appeaser

great post, you are a patriot.


Well-Known Member
The reason Ron Paul attracts the lunatic kook fringe is because most of the fringe groups say they support the constitution. So the only way a candidate can be "normal" is by being against the constitution, when it is easy for them.

Candidates decide their positions based on polling numbers and demographics. Candidates support issues that will help define their "base" constituents, and then move left and right to pick up close association voters. It is called firming their base.

This women writer said many things, but I believe she overlooked one point. For better or worse, RP's positions have remained about the same for 3 decades. Some candidates can't remain consistent for 3 minutes.

Two things will make RP a real candidate: 1. If he gets to a $12M plateau in a couple weeks. and 2. If he pulls a forth place in either NH or IA, in January.

Already Guliani is chit-chatting with RP and he is thinking about a running mate. I have no idea what RP would say to this offer, however.


Well-Known Member
very well said!! whats the best way to make somthing that would be apposed in anyway happen... not tell anyone! so if we can get people to turn off that tv and radio. quit watching shows like the bachelor and see whats really going on. oh what happend to bushs national prayer day?


Well-Known Member
oh when bush first signed into office he had a few prayer days, even around the 911 days he really made it a point to show everyone how christian he was
somthing like that